Computer Graphics

UW CSE 557, Fall 2024

In this course, we will cover basic principles of Computer Graphics through a series of lectures and by building out our own 3d modeling, rendering and animation package.  Topics covered include: spatial transformations and coordinates, rasterization, sampling and signal processing, projective geometry, texture mapping, meshes, curves, geometry processing, spatial (acceleration) data structures, color and vision science, radiometry, physically-based rendering, raytracing via Monte Carlo, animation, rotation, kinematics, and simulation.

After taking this course, you should feel confident that you have the basic skills and knowledge necessary to build software packages like Maya, Blender, or Adobe Photoshop.

Course Information


Students are expected to attend lecture and ask questions.  The coursework will consist entirely of weekly homework assignments (completed individually) as well as 4 programming projects (completed in pairs).  Each of these projects is quite substantial, so we will provide (non-deadline) halfway checkpoints.  We strongly suggest attempting to spend an hour each day making slow and steady progress.  Procrastinating until the deadline will make the projects very unpleasant.

In general, you should assume that it may take up to 24 hours for course staff to respond to questions, and that course staff will not be available on weekends or holidays.  This is another important reason to start on the projects early.  Questions submitted on a due date may go unanswered until after the deadline.


Resources and Textbooks