CSE 414 - Introduction to Database Systems

Description: In this course, we will introduce the basics of modern data management. You will learn about schema design, data modeling, query languages, building database applications, transactions, and many other topics. Through lectures, sections, and assignments, you will learn about and understand how real-world data management systems work, and how they touch upon many aspects of our daily lives.

Questions and Comments: If you have any questions or comments about lecture, sections, assignments, exams, or whatever, post on the discussion board. This is the fastest way to get in contact with the 414 staff and your peers. If you need to talk about anything personal or offline, see us during office hours or email the instructor (maas @ cs.washington.edu) to set up a meeting. And we love feedback! If you have any concerns, comments, or suggestions let us know through this anonymous feedback tool.

For additional details about the class, please refer to the syllabus.

Ryan Maas (instructor)

He/him pronouns, maas@cs

OH: Thursday 3:30-4:30 (zoom)

Vidisha Gupta

She/her pronouns, vidisha@cs

OH: Tuesday 2:30-3:30pm @ CSE2 150

Ananya Ganapathi

She/her pronouns, gananya1@cs

OH: Wednesday 11:30 - 12:30pm @ CSE2 Room 150

Hayoung Jung

He/him pronouns, hjung10@cs

OH: Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30pm, @CSE1 3rd Floor Breakout

Ananya Bajaj

She/her pronouns, ananya27@uw

OH: Monday 11:30 - 12:30 pm @CSE2 Room 152

Zoom: click here! 

Aaron Kim

He/him pronouns, aaronkim@cs

OH: Friday 11:30 - 12:30pm @CSE1 3rd Floor Breakout

Madrona Maling

She/her pronouns, mkmaling@uw

OH: Monday 1:30-2:30pm @ CSE1 (Allen) 678

Qirui Wang

He/him pronouns, qw43@cs

OH: Thursday 11:30 - 12:30 @CSE1 2nd Floor Breakout

Saleh Wehelie

He/him pronouns,  swehelie@uw

OH: Tuesday 12:30-1:30pm (zoom)

Emi Yoshikawa

She/her pronouns, emiyosh@cs

OH: Friday 11:30-12:30pm @ CSE1 3rd Floor Breakout


See Canvas (under Panopto tab)  for lecture recordings




Week 1

Wednesday, January 3

Introduction (slides)


Friday, January 5

SQL Basics (slides, demo_setup)

6.1 - 6.2

Week 2

Monday, January 8

SQL Joins (slides , demo_setup, solutions)

6.1 - 6.2

Wednesday, January 10

SQL Joins cont.
SQL Aggregates  (slides)

Friday, January 12

SQL Joins and Aggregates (slides)

Week 3

Monday, January  15

NO CLASS (Holiday)


Wednesday, January 17

SQL Sub-queries (slides)


Friday, January 19

SQL Sub-queries continued


Week 4

Monday, January 22

Relational Algebra (slides)


Wednesday, January 24 

Database Design - ER Diagrams (slides)


Friday, January 26

Database Design - ER Diagrams cont.


Week 5

Monday, January 29

Database Design - Functional Dependencies (slides)

2.2, 2.3

Wednesday, January 31

Database Design - BCNF Decomposition (slides

3.4, 3.5, 3.6 

Friday,  February 2

Database Design - BCNF Decomposition cont.

Week 6

Monday, February 5

Transactions - Serializability (slides)

18.1, 18.2

Wednesday,  February 7

Transactions - Serializability cont.

Friday,  February 9

Transactions - Locking (slides)

18.1, 18.2

Week 7

Monday, February 12

Transactions - Isolation Levels (slides)

Wednesday, February 14

Practical Data Management (slides)

Friday, February 16

Query Cost Estimation (slides

8.3-4, 14.1-7

Week 8

Monday, February 19

No class (holiday)

Wednesday, February 21

Query Costs and Indexing (slides)

Friday, February 23

Query Costs and Indexing (cont.)

Week 9

Monday, February 26

Intro to parallel DBMS (slides)

Wednesday, February 28

Parallel Databases cont.

Friday, March 2

MapReduce and Spark  (slides

Week 10

Monday, March 5

Semi-structured data (slides)

Wednesday, March 7

SQL++ (slides)

Friday, March 9

SQL++ wrap up (slides)


Time Slots


Section 1, January 4th: Section 1 Slides (AA), Demo, Section 1 Slides (AB), Section 1 Slides (AD)

Section 2, January 11th: Slides (AD), Slides (AB/BB), Worksheet, Solutions

Section 3, January 18th: Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions, Slides (AB/BB )

Section 4, January 25th: Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions

Section 5, February 1st: Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions

Section 6, February 8th: Slides (AB), Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions

Section 7, February 15th: Slides (AB), Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions

Section 8, February 22nd: Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions

Section 9, February 29th: Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions
Section 10, March 2nd: Slides (AD), Worksheet, Solutions



There will be two quizzes for this course. Both exams will be offered on Gradescope and can be taken at home.


Other Resources


Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) <errata>

The library has the following that you might find useful if you require another explanation of a topic.

Past Lecture Recordings (for UW students)

Look at the course webpage for a schedule of what topic was taught when. 

Related Groups

Down the Rabbit Hole