CSE 414 - Introduction to Database Systems
Description: In this course, we will introduce the basics of modern data management. You will learn about schema design, data modeling, query languages, building database applications, transactions, and many other topics. Through lectures, sections, and assignments, you will learn about and understand how real-world data management systems work, and how they touch upon many aspects of our daily lives.
Questions and Comments: If you have any questions or comments about lecture, sections, assignments, exams, or whatever, post on the discussion board. This is the fastest way to get in contact with the 414 staff and your peers. If you need to talk about anything personal or offline, see us during office hours or email the instructor (maas @ cs.washington.edu) to set up a meeting. And we love feedback! If you have any concerns, comments, or suggestions let us know through this anonymous feedback tool.
CSE 414 Staff
Eden Chmielewski (head TA)
She/her pronouns, edenski@cs
OH: Monday 1:20 - 2:20pm (zoom)
Ananya Bajaj
She/her pronouns, ananya27@uw
OH: Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 pm @ Gates Center Room 152
Winston Bullen
He/him pronouns, wbullen@cs
OH: Monday 3:00 - 4:00pm @ CSE1 5th Floor Breakout
Ananya Ganapathi
She/her pronouns, gananya1@cs
OH: Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30pm @ CSE2 Room 152
Hongyi Ji
She/her pronouns, hji14@cs
OH: Monday 10:00 - 11:00am @ CSE1 3rd Floor Breakout
Hayoung Jung
He/him pronouns, hjung10@cs
OH: Wednesday 11:30 - 12:30pm @ CSE1 2nd Floor Breakout
Rohith Leeladharan
He/him pronouns, rohithl@cs
OH: Thursday 2:00pm - 3:00pm @ CSE1 4th Floor Breakout
Madrona Maling
She/her pronouns, mkmaling@uw
OH: Monday 3:00 - 4:00pm (zoom)
Qirui Wang
He/him pronouns, qw43@cs
OH: Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00am @ CSE1 5th Floor Breakout
Saleh Wehelie
He/him pronouns, swehelie@uw
OH: Friday 1:30 - 2:30pm (zoom)
See Canvas (under Panopto tab) for lecture recordings
Wednesday, October 4
SQL Joins (cont.)
Friday, October 13
SQL Sub-queries part two
Friday, October 20
Database Design - ER Diagrams cont.
Friday, October 27
BCNF Decomposition cont.
Friday, November 3
Transactions - Locking cont.
Friday, November 10
No class (holiday)
Wednesday, November 22
No class (holiday)
Friday, November 24
No class (holiday)
Wednesday, November 29
MapReduce and Spark (cont.)
Friday, December 8
Time Slots
AA/BA - 9:30 - 10:20 PM : Winston
AB/BB - 10:30 - 11:20 PM : Qirui
AC/BC - 11:30 - 12:20 PM : Eden
AD/BD - 12:30 - 1:20 PM : Allison
CA - 11:30 - 12:20 PM : Vidisha / Hayoung
CB - 12:30 - 1:20 PM : Ananya B. / Saleh
CC - 1:30 - 2:20 PM : Hongyi / Emi
CD - 2:30 - 3:20 PM : Ananya G.
CE - 3:30 - 4:20 PM : Madrona / Rohith
Section 1, September 28th: slides, slides (CA), slides (CB), demo
Section 2, October 5th: slides (CA), slides (CB), worksheet, solutions
Section 3, October 12th: slides (CB), worksheet, solutions
Section 4, October 19th: slides (CA), slides (CB), worksheet, solutions
Section 5, October 26th: slides (CA), worksheet, solutions
Section 6, November 2nd: slides (CA), slides(CB), worksheet, solutions
Section 7, November 9th: slides (CA), worksheet, solutions
Section 8, November 16th: slides (CA), worksheet, solutions
Section 9, November 30th: Slides (CB), worksheet, solutions
Section 10, December 7th: Slides (CA), worksheet, solutions
HW1 due Friday, October 6 @ 11pm (specification, follow Gradescope link for lecture A/B or C as appropriate)
HW2 due Monday, October 16th @ 11pm (spec)
HW3 due Wednesday, October 25th @ 11pm (spec, setup guide, demo)
HW4 due Monday, November 6th @ 11pm (spec)
HW5 due Monday, November 13th @ 11pm (spec)
HW6 setup due Monday, November 20th @ 11pm (Java spec) (Python spec)
Part 1 due Sunday, November 26th @ 11pm
Part 2 due Monday, December 4th @ 11pm
HW7 due Tuesday, December 12th @ 11pm (spec)
There will be two quizzes for this course. Both exams will be offered on Gradescope and can be taken at home.
Quiz 1 releases Thursday Nov. 9th at 8am, due Friday Nov. 10th 2pm. Topics are similar problems to HW 1, HW 2, and HW 3, as well as relational algebra conceptual questions from the slides. The quiz should only take around 30-40 minutes to complete.
For practice problems, see midterm exam questions from Autumn 2018 and 2019
Quiz 2 releases Thursday Dec. 7th at 8am, due Friday Dec. 8th 2pm. Topics are similar problems to HW 4, HW5 , as well as conceptual questions from the slides about transaction schedules. The quiz should only take around 30-40 minutes to complete.
For practice problems, see midterm exam questions from Autumn 2018 and 2019
Other Resources
Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) <errata>
The library has the following that you might find useful if you require another explanation of a topic.
Fundamentals of database systems by Elsmasri and Navathe
Database management systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke
Foundations of database systems by Abiteboul, Hull and Vianu
Past Lecture Recordings (for UW students)
Look at the course webpage for a schedule of what topic was taught when.
CSE 414 Spring 2020 - Mark Friedman - videos, course webpage
CSE 414 Winter 2020 - Shana Hutchison - videos, course webpage
CSE 344 Spring 2019 - Jonathan Leang - videos, course webpage