Assignment 6: Practice using Overleaf

Before you begin


In this assignment you will learn a little bit about LaTeX and prepare create a document that uses the format of a conference in your area of research interest.

  • Step 1: Create an Overleaf account, if you do not already have one

  • Step 2: Complete the Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes tutorial

  • Step 3: Identify the venue (conference or journal) in which the paper you read for earlier assignments was published. Search for the most recent formatting instructions and find a LaTeX, or better, Overleaf template for formatting. Create a copy of the template in your account. Rename things and clean up as needed.

Next you will create an outline in the document you created and write a paragraph that references the paper that you read in previous assignments using a BibTeX based citation. Think of this document as a "personal statement" or "statement of purpose" that you will write for a summer research position application. We will actually write such a statement in a later assignments, but for now you are just creating an outline while learning to use Overleaf. To that end, change the title and author, remove the abstract and add a few sections, like "Research Interests", "Prior Research Experiences", "Qualities for Success" (feel free to rename these and/or add other sections). Then, in whichever section seems most relevant, write a paragraph (or two) about how you decided to take CSE 390 R, how you read the particular paper as part of the class, what you learned from it/what you liked about it, and how it influenced your desire to pursue undergraduate research. Make sure to include a citation to the paper using BibTeX.


This assignment is due on November 14, 2022 Monday 11:59pm.

Submit a link to your Overleaf document on Canvas here. Be sure you have the permissions set up so the instructors can access it.