Assignment 1: Managing time

Before you begin

Go over the skill module from Week 1 if you did not attend the lecture:


For this assignment you will practice the two methods covered in this week's skill module on how to manage your time.

Part A: Track your time for at least a whole day, in 15 minute increments. Write it on a paper, or in a notepad on your phone, or on a spreadsheet, or in a tracking app.. just do it! Better if you can do it multiple days, but if not try to pick a typical work/school day. You do not need to share your timesheets with us for this assignment, but do not skip this step, it is important.

Part B: Look at your timesheet and reflect by responding to the following questions. Include your answers in your submission.

  • Is anything pleasantly surprising? Disturbing?

  • Are you spending enough time on things that are most important to you?

  • Do you struggle with procrastination? What do you do when you are procrastinating?

  • Do you make a point of spending quality time with your friends and loved ones?

  • Are you having enough fun both at school/work and outside of school/work?

Part C: After you have completed the exercise in A and B, read this guide on the revisited Eisenhower method, and apply it to your weekly todos. Include your completed 2x2 matrix in your submission, either as (a) four bullets in text (e.g., "Urgent/important: XYZ, Urgent/unimportant: XYZ, ..) or (b) as a link to the edited image of the matrix. Also include answers to the following questions:

  • Did you find the Eisenhower method useful?

  • Did it lead to any changes in your actions?


This assignment is due on October 10, 2022 Monday 11:59pm.

As a recap, here is what you need to submit as text input on Canvas.

  • Your answers to the questions in Part B

  • Your 2x2 matrix in Part C, either as a link to an image (be sure to have the right permissions) or as four bullets

  • Your answers to the questions in Part C

Submit your work on Canvas here.