CSE 344 - Introduction to Database Systems

Description: In this course, we will introduce the basics of modern data management. You will learn about schema design, data modeling, query languages, building database applications, transactions, and many other topics. Through lectures, sections, and assignments, you will learn about and understand how real-world data management systems work, and how they touch upon many aspects of our daily lives.

Questions and Comments: If you have any questions or comments about lecture, sections, assignments, exams, or anything else, post on the discussion board. This is the fastest way to get in contact with the 344 staff and your peers. If you need to talk about anything personal or offline, see us during office hours or email the instructor (email below).

For additional details about the class, please refer to the Canvas Website.

CSE 344 Staff

Course Message Board

We have a staff of 10 awesome TAs who will be checking the message board regularly M-F, and who will be available during office hours for in person questions

Natalie Fetsch (instructor)

 She/her pronouns, nfetsch@cs

Allison G


Amal Jacob


I’m looking forward to getting back into cycling in the sun again and getting more time to read. Also excited to participate in this year’s IAPLC, an aquarium contest! 

Aparna K 


Something I'm looking forward to this quarter: Spending time outdoors in the sun! 

Chris Hunt 



I am looking forward to doing more outdoor bouldering this quarter 

Ethan Bai


Looking forward to more spring skiing/snowboarding and spending time outside with friends! 

Hongyi Ji


Looking forward to enjoy my last quarter both as a TA and at UW! 

Jihan Yao


As a AI PhD student, I am interested in assessing machine learning models’ capability to generalize beyond trained data and identify their own limitations. I am looking forward to finalizing my ongoing projects and expecting collaboration opportunities. In my spare time, I am mostly devoted to gyms and games. My most exciting game Shadow of the Erdtree will come out soon!

Nina Okubo 


I just came back from studying abroad in Germany so I’m looking forward to being back on campus and working with everyone in-person again 

Rituraj Sohoni 


Something I’m looking forward to this quarter is graduating and starting my professional journey. Other than that, I’m looking forward to all the Formula 1 races! 

Sumedh Panatula


Looking forward to going kayaking on the waterfront! 

Office Hour Schedule

Section Schedule

Projected Calendar

See Canvas (under Panopto tab)  for lecture recordings

Note: Topics will be the same as previous quarters. Slides have been copied from previous quarters to give students the opportunity to look ahead at upcoming topics, and quarter-specific information such as assignment due dates will be updated as the quarter progresses



Week 1

Mar 25

Introduction (slides)

Mar 27

SQL Basics (slides, SQLite demo)

Mar 29

SQL Joins (slides, join demo)

SQL Aggregates (slides)

Week 2

April 1

SQL Joins and Aggregates (slides)

April 3

Relational Algebra (slides)

April 5

SQL Subqueries (slides)

Week 3

April 8

SQL Subqueries (cont.)

Design Theory - ER Diagrams (slides)

April 10

ER Diagrams (cont.)

April 12

Design Theory - Functional Dependencies (slides)

Week 4

April 15

Design Theory - BCNF Decomposition (slides)

April 17

Transactions - Serializability (slides)

April 19

Serializability (cont.)

Week 5

April 22

Transactions - Locking (slides)

April 24

Transactions - Isolation Levels (slides)

April 26


Week 6

April 29

Application Programming (slides)

May 1

Cost Estimation (slides)

May 3

Parallel Databases (slides)

Week 7

May 6

Parallel Databases (cont.)

May 8

MapReduce and Spark (slides)

May 10

Tuning and Indexing (slides)

Week 8

May 13

Semi-Structured Data (slides)

May 15

Lecture as office hours - no formal class, bring your questions :) 

May 17

SQL++ (slides)

Week 9

May 20

SQL++ (cont.)

May 22

Course Wrap-Up (slides)

May 24

HW7 overview and work-through

Week 10

May 27

No class, holiday

May 29

Unrecorded lecture, career topics

May 31

Unrecorded lecture, career topics


See myuw.washington.edu for the quiz section you are signed up for. 


Section 1 : slides, demo, section recording

Section 2: slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions

Section 3: slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions

Section 4: slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions

Section 5: slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions

Section 6:  slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions

Section 7:  slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions, demo

Section 8: slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions, demoT1, demoT2

Section 9: Flight Application Homework Support

Section 10: slides, worksheet, worksheet solutions


Due dates will be released on a rolling basis to ensure that when a due date is released, it will not be adjusted later.


There will be no exams for this course.

Other Resources


Completely optional: Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) <errata>

The library has the following that you might find useful if you require another explanation of a topic.

Past Lecture Recordings (for UW students)

Look at the course webpage for a schedule of what topic was taught when. 

Related Groups

Down the Rabbit Hole