
UW CSE 341, Winter 2022

Course Information

Key Administrative Links

Staff and contact information

  • To reach the entire staff, please create a private thread on the course discussion board. This is the preferred way to reach the course staff so that any of us can respond to your question and the rest of us can see the response. If you do need to reach out to just the instructor, see below.

  • Anonymous feedback to the instructor

  • Office hours queue

Lecture and Section

First week is on Zoom -- links will be emailed to you and put in the course Canvas site. After that, we hope to be in person.

Lectures will be recorded and made available to [only] students in the class. Sections will not be recorded (tbd whether we will record the first week), but we will post materials.


See Lectures for all slides, code, videos, and notes related to class, both lecture and section.


We are very lucky to be able to build CSE 341 in collaboration with other prior instructors and course staffs. In particular, CSE 341 in 2020-2021 evolved to use OCaml and Racket's object system. Much credit goes to James Wilcox and Zachary Tatlock for contributions to the course.