Programming Languages

UW CSE 341, Autumn 2022

Key Administrative Links

Course Staff

  • Zachary Tatlock

    • Office Hours : Wed 2:30pm in CSE2 (Gates) Room 201

    • except: October 5, 2022

  • Jacob Van Geffen

  • Oliver Flatt

    • Office Hours: Thurs 1:30pm to 2:30pm in CSE2 (Gates) Room 121

  • Riya Dheer

    • Office Hours: Mon 12 pm in CSE2 (Gates) Room 151

  • Nuha Qadir,

    • Office Hours: Tues 12:30-2pm, Allen 2nd floor

  • Anirudh Suresh, anisur@cs

    • Office Hours: Mon 5:30-6:30pm, Allen 2nd floor

  • Deeksha Vatwani

    • Office Hours: Tues 9:30 - 10:30 AM CSE1 (Allen) Room 220




We are very lucky to be able to build CSE 341 on Dan Grossman's excellent materials and extensions from James Wilcox. Many thanks to Dan, James, and all past CSE 341 instructors and TAs who have carefully polished this material over time.