Arvind Krishnamurthy
Arvind Krishnamurthy
Short-Dooley Professor
Short-Dooley Professor
Paul G. Allen School
Paul G. Allen School
Computer Science & Engg.
Computer Science & Engg.
University of Washington
University of Washington
Office: 592 Allen Center
Arvind Krishnamurthy is the Short-Dooley Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering and a fellow of the ACM. His research interests are in building effective and robust computer systems in the context of both data centers and Internet-scale systems. More recently, his research has focussed on programmable networks and systems for machine learning.
Here are some pointers to recent research:
Programmable networks (iPipe, IncBrick, FlexNIC, FlexSwitch, Approx. Fair Queueing, Gimbal)
Distributed systems for the datacenter (Xenic, Meerkat, SpecPaxos, Tapir)
Systems for machine learning (TVM, Nexus, SwitchML, TVM Optimizer, Networks for ML, Punica)