Martin Böhm 

Assistant professor (Polish term: Adiunkt)

Combinatorial Optimization Group (group page)

Institute of Computer Science (institute page)

University of Wrocław

Office: Room 307, ul. Joliot-Curie, 15 50-383 Wrocław, Poland. 

Email: boehm(zavináč) (zavináč is Czech for the at sign)


In the summer semester 2024 I am teaching:

In Winter 2023/2024 I taught:

In  2022/2023 I taught:

In 2021/2022, I taught:


My research interests include primarily approximation and online algorithms for scheduling problems, branching out to many related topics, such as TSP, facility location, aggregation problems, bin packing and more.

Some relevant URLs:


Good news! My grant proposal "The power of branching and learning for online scheduling and bin packing problems" was selected for funding as part of the Polish National Science Center call SONATA 18.