Advanced Topics in NLP

Welcome to Spring 2020 offering of

COMP 790-158: Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing

Theme: Natural Language Understanding with a focus on Narratives

Note: The material on this website is tentative and will be finalized during the semester.

Course number: COMP 790-158 - Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing

Instructor: Snigdha Chaturvedi

Discussion Forum: Piazza Access code = ...

Lectures: Spring 2020, Fri 3:00PM - 5:30PM in FB009

Office hours (tentative): Fri 2-3PM in SN 219

Prerequisites: advanced knowledge of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.

Sign up for presentation slots here. This is on first-come-first-serve basis.

Sign up for project groups here .

ANNOUNCEMENT: No office hours during the spring break.