Welcome to PLAS Lab. (Programming Languages and Systems Lab.)
Using compiler techniques, we analyze binary code and bytecode to detect and protect against vulnerabilities to defend against threats and uncover malicious behavior in malware on various types of architectures. Recently, we have been working on AI and deep learning techniques in addition to compiler techniques to analyze obfuscated binary code.
11/28 Seoksu Lee's first-authored paper, "Toward Machine Learning Based Analyses on Compressed Firmware" (STPSA@IEEE COMPSAC 2019), is cited by a recent article in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Nov. 2024 ( P. Sun et al., "A Survey of IoT Privacy Security: Architecture, Technology, Challenges, and Trends" )
11/4 Seoyeon Kang's first-authored paper, "Program synthesis-based simplification of MBA obfuscated malware with restart strategies" (CheckMATE@ACM CCS 2022), is cited by a recent article in ACM Computing Survey Nov. 2024 (Bjorn De Sutter et al., "Evaluation Methodologies in Software Protection Research").
11/2 Seoyeon Kang's first-authored paper, "Obfus: An obfuscation tool for software copyright and vulnerability protection, " presented at ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (ACM CODASPY) 2021, is cited by a recent article in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Nov. 2024 (V. Majdinasab et. al, "Trained Without My Consent: Detecting Code Inclusion In Language Models Trained on Code")
10/15 Seoksu Lee's first-authored poster paper is presented at ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) Oct. 2024, Salt Lake City, USA.
"E-Graphs and Equality Saturation for Term-Rewriting in MBA Deobfuscation: An Empirical Study", S. Lee, H. Jeon, and E.-S. Cho
8/29 Jungpil Park was selected for the NRF Master's Student Research Grant Program. He will receive a monthly grant of 1,000,000 won (2024.9-2025.8)
(축) 한국연구재단 석사과정생연구장려금지원사업 선정! (click)
7/16 Hyeongchang Jeon's first-authored paper is published in KIISE Transactions on Computing Practice (한국정보과학회 논문지 컴퓨팅및실제 게재)
Mixed Boolean Arithmetic 역난독화를 지원하는 오라클 기반의 효율적인 Opaque Predicate 탐지 기법(Oracle-guided Efficient Opaque Predicate Detection with Mixed Boolean Arithmetic Deobfuscation), vol.51 no.7 Hyeongchang Jeon, Seoksu Lee, Seoyeon Kang and Eun-Sun Cho
7/3 Jeongpil Park's work is presented at the 48th IEEE COMPSAC Osaka, Japan, July, 2024 (Student Research Symposium Session)
"WeBMO: Bitwise Memory Operation based Data Obfuscation for WebAssembly", Jeongpil Park and Eun-Sun Cho
7/3 Hyeongchang Jeon' s work is presented at the 48th IEEE COMPSAC Osaka, Japan, July, 2024 (Fast Abstract Session)
"Dynamic Opaque Predicate Detection with a Recursive Matching Method", Hyeongchang Jeon and Eun-Sun Cho
6/28 Yoojung Noh's paper as first author won the Best Paper Award at the 4th AAiCON2024 Conference on Practical AI
"Malware deobfuscation using AI", Y. Noh, J.-Y. Paik, G. Lee. S. W. Lee, and E.-S. Cho
5/24 Patent Registered (국내 특허 등록 10-26706470000 ), 스마트 컨트랙트 개인정보보호 방법 및 이를 이용한 시스템, E.-S. Cho et. al
4/26 Jungpil Park was selected for the “National Cryptography Expert Training Course (the 10th)” (축! 2024 국가 암호기술 전문인력 양성과정 10기 선정, 2024.5.-2024.10, Host: Korea Cryptography Forum/National Security Research Institute)
4/15 Youjeong Noh's first-authored paper is published in Journal of KIISE (Computer Systems and Theory) . (한국정보과학회 논문지 시스템및보안 게재)
"Neural Networks using Opcode Frequency to Identify Combinations of Obfuscation Techniques (난독화 기법의 조합을 파악하는 Opcode 출현 빈도 기반 신경망), vol.51 no.4 Youjeong Noh, Jeongwoo Kim and E.-S. Cho
3/28 Youjeong Noh has been selected for 2024 IITP-CMU Training Program
축! 2024 IITP-CMU AI 집중 교육 프로그램 파견 교육 선발, 2024.9~2025.2 (6개월 연수), 미국 Carnegie Mellon Univ.
2 /1 The graduation project supervised by our lab received the Best Undergraduate Paper Award at the KSC (Korea Software Congress).
"서로 다른 언어로 된 두 코드의 의미 동일성 검사 도구," 유정균, 백유미, 이혜연, 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회, 학부생부문 우수논문상 수상 (축하합니다!)
12/20 Jeongpil Park's paper is presented for KSC 2023 (한국정보과학회 소프트웨어 종합학술대회 KSC 발표)
"Simplification of Executable Code Obfuscated by Bitwise Memory Operations (Bitwise Memory Operation 으로 난독화된 실행 코드 단순화)," Jeongpil Park, Seoksu Lee and E.-S. Cho
12/5 Hyeongchang Jeon's paper is presented for Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) 2023 poster session, Dec. 2023
"Assessing Opaque Predicates: Unveiling the Efficacy of Popular Obfuscators with a Rapid Deobfuscator," Hyeongchang Jeon, Seoyeon Kang, Seoksu Lee and E.-S. Cho
7/1 Chang-Won Choe's paper is published in KTCP Journal. (한국정보과학회 논문지 CPL 게재)
"Metadata-based type analysis method to improve productivity of MyBatis development (MyBatis 개발 생산성 향상을 위한 메타데이터 기반의 타입분석 기법)," vol.29 no. 7, KTCP
6/9 Youjeong Noh and Jeongwoo Kim's work, presented at KCC 2023, is Best Paper Awarded. (한국정보과학회 컴퓨터종합학술대회 우수논문상 수상)
6/9 Three papers are presented at KCC (Korea Computer Congress) Jum 2023, (한국정보과학회 컴퓨터종합학술대회 KCC 발표)
"A Ghidra-based crash triaging tool for binary code", Seong-Kyun Mok and Youjeong Noh, and et. al
"Oracle-Guided Efficient Opaque Predicate Detection with MBA Deobfuscation (Mixed Boolean Arithmetic 역난독화를 지원하는 Oracle 기반의 효율적인 Opaque Predicate 탐지 기법)", Hyeongchang Jeon, Seoyeon Kang, Seoksu Lee, and et. al
"A neural network model based on opcode frequency for identifying combinations of binary code obfuscation techniques (난독화 기법의 조합을 파악하는 명령 코드 빈도 기반 신경망)", Youjeong Noh, Jeongwoo Kim, and et. al
4/26 Patent Registered (국내 특허 등록 10-2524627), 중간언어를 활용한 바이너리 프로그램 난독화 시스템 및 그 방법, Seoyeon Kang et. al
3/6 Jeongwoo Kim's first-authored paper collaborated with Tiangong Univ. is published in IEEE Access, 2023.
"Attention-based Cross-modal CNN using Non-disassembled Files for Malware Classification", Jeongwoo Kim, Eun-Sun Cho and Joon-Young Paik, vol.11, 2023
2/24 Seong-Kyun Mok acquired Ph.D. Congratulations! (목성균 박사 학위 축하합니다!)
2/24 Jisoo Kim, Chang-Won Choe, Jeongwoo Kim and Seoyeon Kang acquired Master's Degree. Congratulations! (김지수, 최창원, 김정우, 강서연 석사 학위 축하합니다!)
2/24 Hyeong Chang Jeon and Youjeong Noh graduated from Chungnam National University. Congratulations! (전형창, 노유정 졸업 축하합니다!)
2/2 Our work collaborated with Tiangong Univ. is cited by a recent article in Computer Science Review, one of the Q1-ranked computer science journals.
"A Storage-level Detection Mechanism against Crypto-Ransomware", Joon-Young Paik, Joong-Hyun Choi, Rize Jin, Jianming Wang and Eun-Sun Cho, ACM CCS (The 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security) (poster), Toronto, Canada, Oct. 2018
is referenced by "A comprehensive survey on deep learning based malware detection techniques", Computer Science Review (CSR) Volume 47, 2023,100529, ISSN 1574-0137, Elsevier 2023
10/27 Patent Registered, (국내 특허 등록 10-2461532) "프로그램 제어 흐름 그래프 재건 시스템 및 방법 ", Seogng-Kyun Mok et. al
10/11 Patent Registered, (국내 특허 등록 10-2454845) "스마트 컨트랙트 재작성기", Eun-Sun Cho and Jisoo Kim
10/7 Seong-Kyun Mok becomes a contributor of DebugIR (, a 50-starred public GitHub repository for the standalone tool reviving the debug-ir pass in LLVM. (His request pulled about structural types is merged to the master branch.) (LLVM 주요 오픈소스 프로그램 분석 도구에 기여)
10/7 Youjeong Noh and Juyeong Lee win Grand Prize of CNU Engineering Fair 2022 (CNU 엔지니어링페어 대상, 충남대학교 총장상)
9/7 Seoyeon Kang's paper is accepted for presentation at CheckMATE Workshop at ACM CCS 2022. (CheckMATE@ACM CCS에서 발표-미국)
" Program synthesis-based simplification of MBA obfuscated malware with restart strategies", Seoyeon Kang, Jeong-Woo Kim, Eun-Sun Cho, and Seokwoo Choi, The Research on offensive and defensive techniques in the context of Man At The End (MATE) attacks Workshop (CheckMate) at ACM CCS), Nov. 2022
9/1 Jeongwoo Kim received the Graduate Dean's Citation for Excellence, 2022 (2022 충남대학교 대학원장 표창)
9/1 Seoyeon Kang's paper is published in the Journal of KIISE CPL. (정보과학회 논문지 CPL 게재)
"A program synthesis based simplifier for MBA obfuscation (프로그램 합성기반 MBA 난독화 해제 도구)", Seoyeoon Kang, Jeongwoo Kim, Jonghwan Yang and Eun-Sun Cho, 정보과학회 논문지(Journal of KIISE) 컴퓨팅및실제(CPL), Vol.28, No. 9, Sep. 2022
8/25 Geun Yong Kim acquired Ph.D. Congratulations! (김근용 박사 학위 축하합니다!)
8/10 Patent Registered (국내 특허 등록 10-2432775) "개인정보보호를 지원하는 스마트 컨트랙트 프로그래밍 시스템 및 방법", Eun-Sun Cho and Jisoo Kim
7/26 Chang-Won Choe's work is presented at KCC 2022 and Awarded. (한국정보과학회 컴퓨터종합학술대회 우수발표논문상 수상)
"Metadata-based type analysis method to improve the productivity of MyBatis development", Chang-Won Choe and Eun-Sun Cho, Korea Computer Congress, KIISE KCC 한국정보과학회 컴퓨터종합학술대회 6. 29, 2022 (poster)
7/13 We PLASLab win KIISE Paper Contribution Award (Silver) 2022. (우리 연구실 2022 한국정보과학회 논문공헌상 Silver 수상!)