Luke 1-2


When's a time you received great news? What was it?


The first in a five-part series on the Gospel of Luke. We explore the amazing events surrounding the birth of Jesus. The humble conditions of his family and their low status in Israelite society foreshadow the upside-down nature of Jesus’ kingdom.

After you watch the video, discuss:

What stood out to you from the video?

Was anything confusing? Encouraging?

Does it raise any questions you would like to discuss or investigate more?

Read Luke 2:1-21

Have 1-2 people from the group read aloud.


1. Some of us are very familiar with this story because we hear it around Christmas-time. If this story was new to you, what stuck out to you? If it was familiar, did you notice anything you haven't before?

2. Why do you think the author, Luke goes through so much trouble to give so much historical detail?

3. What is a manger? Why is it significant that there was no room in the Inn and that Jesus was born in a manger instead?

4. Why is it significant that the first people to see Jesus were shepherds? What profession would you compare shepherds to nowadays?


5. In Hebrew culture, names mean a lot. Pull out your phones and see if you can find out what the name "Jesus" means. What are some of the things people need saving from?

6. Read Luke 2: 10-14 again. Why do you think this birth announcement was such good news?

7. How do you see Jesus's 'upside-down kingdom' displayed in this passage? How is that similar or different to how you've thought about Christianity in the past?

8. Read 2:19 once more. What is something you've heard tonight that you want to treasure, or ponder in your heart this week?