Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Emoji Dictionary

I printed up an Emoji Dictionary. About 1 per 3 or 4 students and during the initial questions. I had them circle the emoji that they would feel. Then during the different scenarios in the Bible that Jesus showed emotion they had to pick the emotion/emoji that Jesus was feeling. It kept them really engaged in the stories of where Jesus was showing emotion.


– submitted by Lori Dawe

2) Movie Night - The Emoji Movie 

Watch The Emoji Movie at the end of the series as a fun way to celebrate completing the series.

3) Movie Night - Inside Out

Watch the Inside Out movie at the end of the series as a fun way to celebrate completing the series.

4) Inside Out – Guessing the Feelings video (3:17)

A quick video about emotions using the characters from the Pixar movie, Inside Out.

5) Pantomiming Words

Write emotion adjectives on index cards (worried, frightened, brave). Players choose a card and pantomime the feeling. The rest of the class or teams guess the word. The one who guesses correctly pantomimes next.

6) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Bible Reading Plan – YouVersion – Anxiety and other topics

These reading plans will help your students open God’s Word for themselves and find His answer to their questions about anxiety and other topics that they struggle with.  Do one plan each week and talk about what they learned when you get together.  Begin to make their personal time in the Word the highlight of your study time together.

2) ACTIVITY: Make a Worry List

1) Make a WORRY LIST. – Have each of your students take a few minutes and write down everything they are worried about.

2) Write 1 Peter 5:6-7 (“cast all your anxiety on him”)  at the top of the paper.

3) Then turn your “worry list” into a “surrender list” as you pray a prayer surrendering each item on the list to God – casting your anxieties onto Him.

3) Stressed!

Give each student a balloon to inflate, tie off and place under one foot. Say: I’m going to call out things that can cause stress in your life. Maybe the thing I call out causes a little stress for you. If so, put a little pressure on your balloon. Or perhaps the thing I call out causes a lot of stress for you. If so, put a lot of pressure on your balloon. Don’t release the pressure between things that I call out. Continue to call out stresses kids face until the list is exhausted or the balloons are broken. Allow them to pop any unpopped balloons. Examples: parents fighting, a test at school, lost/broken cell phone, a family move, being sick, being made fun of at school, a pet dying etc. Have them turn to a partner and discuss the following questions:

Which thing made you put the most pressure on your balloon? Why?

How did you feel as you pressed on your balloon?

How do you feel when you’re stressed in real life?

(Optional) Read aloud Philippians 4:6

How can God help us deal with the stress in our lives? Let’s do what God tells us to do when we’re anxious or stressed. Let’s pray for one another right now. Have students pray with their partners.

4) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Song: It’s Going to be Alright – Sara Groves

It’s Going to be Alright is a great song by Sara Groves that addresses when we are struggling, not sleeping, low… and it reminds us that things will get better someday. The song doesn’t mention God but it gives recognition to personal pain and struggle.

2) Beaten Down

Form groups of 4 & have 1 sit in the center of the group. Have them try to stand while 3 gently push him/her down for a minute. Ask: What was it like being pushed down by others? What was it like pushing your friend down? Share a time you tried to do something and people pushed you down with discouragement. Read aloud Hebrews 10:24-25. Now share a time someone encouraged you and helped you with something. What are ways we can encourage one another this week.

3) Off Balance

In groups of 4 have one person stand on one foot in the middle while the others help them balance. Then, have the others try to stop them from balancing on one foot.

Which way was easier? What did the group do to help with balance? To knock the person off balance? What are some ways people lose balance in life? When was a time your life was out of balance? How was this experience like or unlike the things in our lives that cause us to lose balance? Read Luke 10:27 aloud to hear what our top priorities should be.

4) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Pet Peeves

Pass out copies of this Pet Peeves list to start the conversation about what irritates us and can anger us.

2) All Shook Up (Messy Outdoor Game)

Form groups of four and give each group a can of diet lemon-lime soda. Have groups pass around their can as each person shares an example of something that makes them really angry, shaking the cans a couple of times. Then, have each group toss the can quickly from person to person as they tell what they do when they get mad. The person who drops the can first must open it. How was what happened to the insides of the can like or unlike what happens to our insides when we get angry? (Optional) Read aloud Ephesians 4:26. Does this verse say it is a sin to be angry? Why or why not? What does this verse say to do with our anger? How do you think God wants us to deal with our anger the next time we’re ready to blow up? Let’s ask God to help us with our anger.

3) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!


Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Working with teenagers on local high school campuses and around the world, we are making a difference one student at a time. Find out more about us at


We love these THRIVE materials, but we know they could be better. We need your ideas for more Creative Touches, we need your eyes for typos, and your opinion about questions or pictures that don't work. Let your voice be heard. Give us your feedback and help us make these awesome materials even better! 

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