Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Who Am I? Object Lesson

Can you remember a time when you questioned who you are or what you’re doing on this Earth? Students struggle with this question too. The Who Am I? object lesson helps illustrate their true identity in Christ.

2) The Sanctity of Life– video (1:55)

This video depicts Images of babies and children paired with scripture to emphasize we were made on purpose.

3) Image of God– video (6:16)

What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Learn more about the divine role of humans in the Garden of Eden.

4) We Are Messengers- Image of God– music video (3:21)

A beautiful reminder of who we are in Christ.

5) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Object Lesson: Queen Esther’s Crown

Someone who wears a crown is usually a powerful person. Make a crown and discuss what it represents. Evaluate how Eshter uses her power as the Queen of Persia.

2) Esther Saved Her People– video (3:40)

Gospel Project’s animated Bible story about Esther and how she saved her people.

3) The Story of Esther- video (6:51)

SecondLookFilms’ engaging, humorous and animated retelling of the story of Esther.

4) The Book of Esther Summary– video (9:13)

Watch an overview video on the book of Esther, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Esther, God providentially uses two exiled Israelites to rescue His people from certain doom, without any explicit mention of God or His activity.

5) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Prejudice Party (skit)

Have your students read through this skit together.   Afterwards, talk about ways in which the people in the skit showed prejudice and how we can all sometimes show prejudice, even when we don’t mean to.

2) Paper Plate Portraits– Object Lesson

Paper Plate Portraits are a powerful, concrete and hands-on learning activity that encourages students to reflect on prejudice. It also helps them see how multifaceted they are as individuals.

3) What’s Going On– Video (3:56)

A music video to Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” is actually an anti-war song written during the Vietnam war but it also speaks to people not trusting each other. We need to know what is going on with each other so we can know and love one another.

4) Prejudice– video (2:45)

Everyone is prejudiced and uses stereotypes. That’s normal. But prejudice can lead to unequal treatment. Watch the video to see how prejudice works and what you can do about it.

5) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) I Am From Cards

This simple deck of cards can open up a world of valuable conversations for you and  your students. The statements on the cards allow you and your students to learn about each other’s families, culture, and ethnic experience in a safe and loving environment. Choose one of the 5 sections and use them along with this study, or take some time in the following weeks to have conversations with the cards.

2) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!


Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Working with teenagers on local high school campuses and around the world, we are making a difference one student at a time. Find out more about us at


We love these THRIVE materials, but we know they could be better. We need your ideas for more Creative Touches, we need your eyes for typos, and your opinion about questions or pictures that don't work. Let your voice be heard. Give us your feedback and help us make these awesome materials even better! 

If you have a question that needs a quick answer, send us an email  and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can.