Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

This is a great printout of 13 attributes of God by Bill Bright. It’s good to use in any study in this series.  Some ways to use it…

1) Print it out and give it to your students to take home after a lesson.

2) Use it as a stand alone lesson.

3) Each day this month text one of these atributes to your group, reminding them of who God is.

4) Have your students create a craft or piece of art based on one of these (or all of them).

2) The Awe Factor of God

Francis Chan (Video)

4) Concentration

Sit in a circle and copy a pattern (tap knees, clap, snap, snap) Here is the chant: "Concentration, concentration now begins. Keep the rhythm. Keep the rhythm and the beat.” Next time on the two snaps say a name of God, an attribute of God, or a quality of God. The game moves clockwise. If an item is repeated, missed, or the pattern is broken, you’re out! 

5) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) What’s in the Bible video on WHAT IS HOLY? (video) 1:04

OK, so this is a video for children, but it does a pretty good job of explaining what it HOLY means. Give it a shot! 

2) Animated Explanation of God’s Holiness (video) 6:34

This video is a bit long, but it does an excellent job of explaining what HOLY means in a way that will keep the student’s attention. 

3) Draw the Scene

If you have a group that likes to draw, have them draw the scene in Isaiah 6. 

4) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Would You Rather Icebreaker

I used a “Would you rather” type game for an ice breaker. I had students stand up and if they preferred option 1 they walked to the right side of the room, if they preferred option 2 they went on the left side. I had a student or two share the reason behind their choice for each one. Here is a link that I got the inspiration from as well as the questions I used: 

winter or summer?

sweet or salty?

Los Angeles or New York City?

Country or Rap?

Chocolate or Strawberry?

Morning person or night person?

Would you rather be short or tall?

Would you rather be rich or beautiful?

Would you rather have a God that is all about loving or all about justice? 

2) The Just King Illustration

This illustration seeks to show the tension between god’s love and His justice. While explaining this, you want to heighten awareness of these two attributes, love and justice, showing how both are satisfied by Jesus’ death.

There once was a small kingdom suffering from the effects of a severe drought. Food was scarce and the members of the kingdom were beginning to steal from each other in order to survive.

The king knew that thievery would be the death of them all, so he issued a law saying the next person caught stealing would be taken to the center of the village, tied to a pole and publicly whipped.

The next day, sure enough, a thief was caught. Everyone turned up to see who it was and to witness the punishment.

To everyone’s shock, the thief turned out to be the king’s own mother. What was he going to do? He was a good king, and could not justly ignore the law he had made the day before. He had to be just.

But this was his mother. She was old and frail; the whipping could very well kill her. And he loved her. How could he cause her to suffer? What do you think he should do? Which should win: love or justice?

[Let your listener respond.]

Well, here’s what he does: He orders that her wrists be tied to the pole so the whipping can begin. And he calls the punisher to step forward, whip in hand.

But before he gives the order, he steps in between his mother and the punisher. He stretches his broad shoulders across her frail back and with her body completely protected underneath his own, he orders that the punishment be carried out.

As the cords of the whip fall, they fall on him, and he absorbs the full brunt of her penalty. In that act he was both just, in carrying out the penalty, and loving, by suffering it himself.

That is what Jesus did for us. We are all guilty of breaking his laws.

In Romans 3:23 we read that sin earns a penalty and God is just. The penalty must be paid.

But it’s also clear that God loves us (John 3:16-17). He wants good things for us. He doesn’t want us to be punished.

So here’s what He did. He declared us guilty and ordered that the penalty be paid. Then He came to earth, became a man and hung on a cross for us.

When Jesus was being crucified, He stepped in between us, who are guilty, and God the Father, who demanded justice. He absorbed the blows of our punishment so we wouldn’t have to.

3) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!



Use the ideas below to make your study more interesting and engaging. 

If you have an idea, share it HERE.

1) Louie Giglio Talk (video) 7:49

This is a little long, but has some great visuals to help students understand the immense size of the universe. It doesn’t talk about God’s power, presence, or knowledge specifically, but it does paint the picture of an enormous universe which will require an enormous God. 

2) Seeing God In Everything

Have each student pick an item in the room. Give everyone a few seconds to think about, how is God like the object or how can you see a Biblical truth in the object. Then, allow them to tell their idea to the rest of the group. Example for a magnifying glass – God sees everything. 

3) Submit your own idea!

We're out of ideas for this one.  But this community thrives on ideas from our users.  So share an idea that you have for how to teach this study better and we will add it here for the rest of the community!


Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Working with teenagers on local high school campuses and around the world, we are making a difference one student at a time. Find out more about us at


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