
As westernized as the nation of Japan is, less than 1 percent of its population (127 million) even claims to be Christian. Ministry on a Japanese campus requires much prayer, persistence, and patience in building relationships with students who need to see how the Christian life is lived out on a daily basis.

A city of rich spiritual history coupled with a current reality of very few people who truly know and follow Jesus. It is a city with roughly 200,000 college students and serves as a gateway to other influential cities in western and eastern Europe. Our hope and prayer for this summer mission is that we would be used by the Lord to bring the light of Christ to this great city. We will be helping to launch and build movements among high school and college students in Vienna. Los gehts!

It’s a summer about the breadth and depth of the Gospel – for you and your new friends! You will be reaching one of the darkest countries in the world, where less than 1% of the population knows Jesus. And you will grow in ways you’ve never imagined as you rely on the Lord through prayer and steps of faith. In addition to meeting with students and sharing the gospel, you’ll receive training in cross-cultural ministry. You’ll get to learn how to navigate a big city and even speak a little bit of Arabic! Our team will also have regular times of prayer and Bible study and will do some sightseeing.

 This vibrant “City of Parks” boasts 160 beautiful parks, warm and inviting people, and delicious local coffee. This is an incredible opportunity for both Spanish speakers and non-Spanish speakers alike as there will be plenty of Colombians who need to hear the Gospel explained in their native tongue and many others who are eager to practice their English and would be happy to engage in spiritual conversations with you. Consider trusting the Lord with us to win Bucaramanga students to Jesus and plug them into Cru where they will be able to continue growing in their Faith throughout college.