Prayer Walking

Prayer Walking Guide

Take this along with you to prayer walk the campus.

1 Prepare your heart.

We suggest Psalm 24 as a starting point. Remember, launching a campus takes more than muscle, it's a spiritual work.

Read Psalm 24 together

Respond to this psalm in three ways:

(1) Thank God He is over everything, which includes the campus you want to reach. (vs 1-2)

(2) Search your heart for anything you need to confess. (vs 3-4)

(3) Ask God to lift up every closed gate on campus that could hinder the success of the launch. (vs 9)

Note: Preparing your heart can be done in your car while you wait for the school day to end. It may take place over lunch the day you plan to prayer walk. Regardless of where or when, it's always good practice to have your heart in the right place.

2 Start Walking!

Divide your team into pairs, and begin to prayer walk together. Be casual, as if you're having a conversation. Note, it can feel a little uncomfortable if it's your first time praying with while walking with your eyes wide open! Remember, God's doesn't care about posture so much as the heart behind your payers.

3 Pray!

Prayer walking sounds easy, you pray while you walk, right? Yup! But, as soon as you begin, anticipate distractions! If you're prayer walking while the school day is ending, there will be students everywhere! To others around you, conversational prayer looks and sounds like you're talking about last night's ball game! No need to feel-self conscious. Only you, your partner and God know what you're up to!

4 Keep your Eyes Open.

This is why we have chosen prayer walking as the primary prayer strategy. By observing the students, and the culture of the school, you are gathering valuable intel. Questions to ask yourself:

  • What are the the students like at this school?
  • How are students getting home (bus, pick up, walk?)
  • Where are they hanging out?
  • What school personnel do you observe? (VP's, security, custodial)

Take your cues about what to pray for from what you observe.

  • If you walk by the baseball diamond, pray for the team.
  • If you see a group of students walking together, pray for them.
  • If you notice parents picking up students, pray for the families of students.
  • If you notice a flier for an upcoming student event, pray for those involved.

5 Be Flexible

Your mission is prayer, but God often shows up in unexpected ways. Be ready to stop and talk with students. See the section about "what do I do if I meet students?"

6 Record what God has Done

When you're done, take a few minutes together to discuss what you have seen, thank God for your time, and make a record of who you have met. Plan the next time you'll meet to pray.