How to Share the Gospel

How to set up a Personal Appointment

One of the greatest privileges any believer can have is introducing someone to life-changing faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said that His purpose on earth was to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). We join Him in this purpose as we share the gospel with others.

1. Why should I be prepared to share my faith.

We prepare to share our faith in Christ with others...

  • For the same reason an athlete trains for his/her sport – to be prepared for the challenge, and to gain confidence and skill in performance of the particular sport.

  • Because we want to share the message plainly and accurately.

  • Because we want to honor God.

  • What other reasons can you think of to be prepared to plainly share the gospel of Jesus Christ?

2. In Cru, we use an outline to help share the gospel with other people.

The tools we typically use are the Connecting with God booklet, the KGP (Knowing God Personally booklet, and the God Tools app. They are all very similar. For this training, we'll use the KGP Booklet (also found in the God Tools app). While an outline isn't the only way to communicate the gospel, we like it because it is simple, transferable, and clear.

3. Become familiar with using a tool for evangelism.

Obviously, The KGP has four main points. They are:

  • God loves you and created you to know him personally.

  • We are separated from God by our sin, so we cannot know him or experience His love.

  • Jesus is God's only solution for our sin. Only through Him can we know God and receive His love and forgiveness.

  • We must each respond to Jesus by placing our trust in Him as our Savior and Lord. Only then can we know God personally.

4. Be aware of the main subjects or points of your gospel presentation.

In The Four Spiritual Laws booklet, the main subjects in each of the laws are as follows:

  • Law 1: God is the key word.

  • Law 2: Man’s problem of sin is explained.

  • Law 3: Jesus Christ is God’s solution.

  • Law 4: We respond to God’s invitation.

5. Become comfortable with the evangelism tool of choice.

In the next few days, read through the gospel presentation several times. You need to become comfortable with the outline of the gospel presented and aware of the contents. Pay close attention to the transitional phrases at the bottom of the page. While it is possible present the gospel by just reading through the booklet, most conversations are much more fruitful if you go about it in a more casual, conversational way. The only way to do that well is if you know the booklet really well.

6. Determine where the student is in relation to God.

Just after the fourth point, the presentation has two circles with chairs (the throne of your life) in them. These circles are an excellent way to help the student wrestle with and clearly communicate where he is in his relationship with God. It also gives him a clear next step.

Expert Walkthrough

Watch some expert youth workers walk through the gospel with you, just like they would with students. The focus here is on the Connecting with God booklet, but the principles in it carry over into any tool you use, KGP, God Tools, or whatever.