Explaining Cru to Adults

Below are some quick ways to explain Cru to a few different types of people. These aren't meant to be word-for-word scripts, but just guidelines to help you as you talk about Cru. You may adapt these descriptions so it feels natural coming off your tongue.

Non-Christian Adult, or not sure:

“Cru is a national faith-based organization that helps students develop in all areas of their life: school, health and faith. We do this through conferences, classroom talks, mentoring, and safe fun in school or after school events.”

Non-Christian student, or not sure:

“Cru is a group of students at your school that get together in small groups, or larger gatherings to have fun, and to find answers about real life and faith. “

Christian Adult:

“Cru is a youth ministry that reaches out to students at public schools. We seek to win students to Christ, and then disciple/mentor them so that they can lead the charge in reaching their school for Christ.”

Christian student:

“Cru is a network of discipled students who see their school as a mission field. We are here to help you grow in your faith and live out your faith with your friends, through Bible Studies, retreats, and fun outreach events.”

General Audience:

"Cru is a national high school organization that is dedicated to helping students develop positive values, leadership skills, and a personal faith that will impact every area of their life"

  • What do you like about each.?
  • How would you say it differently?
  • Find a partner and practice introduction and explanation.