Becoming an Insider

When we can see the campus from God’s perspective, we begin to understand how important it is to become an insider, a person recognized as someone who belongs on the campus. If the goal of our mission is to coach students to multiply their faith into others, then we must have access to them. Becoming an insider is the first step in getting there.

A public school setting is a relational eco system, made up of students surrounded and supported by a team of caring adults. Your job is to become part of that adult team. That happens when administrators, teachers, support staff and students see you, and can say, “Oh that’s Brittany, she’s one of us.”

You might be saying, that feels a long way off. It can take some time, but most often God opens the doors that you need and give you the opportunity to walk onto the campus. You will discover that God’s has been there a long time preparing for your arrival.

Let’s take a look at several principles that help build a bridge guide to the campus.

The foundation to becoming an insider is prayer.

Specifically, pray for a good personal connection with a school staff person who is already an insider on the campus.

The strength of the bridge depends on the depth of your relationships.

Meet the principal and other school leaders informally at events, games, etc. Ask parents to introduce you. Write a note of encouragement. When appropriate, seek to have a formal appointment. Keep it brief. Communicate your availability to assist with their needs.

Visit the campus regularly.

Here is a list of good ways to be there.

  • Visit students at lunch hour, (first visit the office to check on school’s policy)
  • Be a guest at the Christian club on campus
  • Attend events open to the public
  • Sponsor a breakfast for the faculty

Something to remember is that serving the school in a variety of ways will communicate your dedication to helping the school be a better place.

Many schools have needs that school personnel cannot meet. By Volunteering to help meet these needs, it gives you a good reason to be on campus, shows you care about what the school cares about, and brings you into contact with more and more students.

Here are some possible ways your could volunteer. You could..

  • Volunteer to help coach an athletic team
  • Serve as a volunteer for extracurricular activities
  • Help chaperone school trips
  • Get involved with the PTA
  • Assist in classroom tutoring
  • Volunteer to mentor students
  • Or volunteer in your area of interest. Organize activities that add value to the student’s experience. (Journalism, drama, art and athletic)

These are the first steps you can take in order to open up the doors to the campus so that you can walk through them as well as people behind you.

One final thought: The principal of the school will ultimately decide whether or not you are welcome. At some schools, they will not allow access to students. That’s not the end of the world. This will lead you to find Christian students to work through, and build into spiritual leaders. In some cases a spiritual movement has emerged faster, because students naturally have more freedom. So, relax your expectations, walk by faith, and find that friendly insider, who can help you become one, too.

Safety Training

All staff or volunteers working with minors need to watch this video before working with students.

Perspectives Video

See Cru from the perspective of teachers, administrators and teachers (at the time this ministry was made Cru was called Student Venture). This video shows the value of becoming an insider on the campus from their perspective.