Writer of the Year Applicant:

Jersey Bilyeu

Five Articles Written by Jersey Bilyeu

Senior Charlotte Ottemoeller Takes The Field

May 18, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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This profile challenged me in capitalization and general formatting. I had to learn how things like "All-State" and "Outstanding Drum Major" were supposed to be capitalized and hyphenated. Senior Charlotte Ottemoeller Takes The Field taught me more about AP style and improved my journalistic writting. 

Music of the Cougars

May 23, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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Music of the Cougars taught me how to bring a groups history into my writting. Journalism is often about opinions and news, but writting this article showed me I can include students past culture into an article. This article also required me to look into multiple old yearbooks for the photos and some information.

The Stories That Just Won't Die

October 17, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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Research for The Stories That Just Won't Die was new for me when writting. I had never looked into movie reviews or Rotten Tomatoes for an article before and it taught me a new way to write an opinion with different kinds of statistics.

To Poop or Not to Poop: Should That Really be a Question?

November 17, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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This article was my first satire and it showed me an entirely new way to write journalistically. I did all the photos, ran all the statistics and created the graphs all by myself and really enjoyed myself in this article. I then ended with a strong message with something that, truthfully isn't that serious, but isn't that the fun of satire?

Desensitization of a Generation

February 10, 2024

Kennedy Torch Website

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Desensitization of a Generation is an article I have developed a strong connection with. Researching and interviewing for this article heightened my awareness of the issues and was emotionally draining due to the serious topic. I was able to use other high school news sources as a resource and my own experience with a gun threat earlier this school year to strengthen my message.