Ms. Waite's Class Website

Heat and Temperature Field Trip in Kananaskis

Field Trip: Coal Mine Trail- Interactions and Ecosystems

Lake Louise Snowshoe Adventure - Outdoor Ed

Welcome to Ms. Waite's class website. I am very excited to be a teacher at LGMS this year. I will be teaching Grade 7 Science, Language Arts and Outdoor Education.

I have been living in the Bow Valley for three years and have had the opportunity to work in all the schools in the district. I am originally from a small town south of Calgary and completed my Post Secondary Education at Mount Royal College and the University of Alberta. I thoroughly enjoy the outdoors with my passions being mountain biking, running and skiing.

I will be using Google Classroom throughout the year to post assignments, rubrics and other tools for student learning. Students will be able to submit their completed assignments through Google Classroom.

Class Dojo will also be used in the classroom for students to take ownership of their learning. As a parent you are able to view your child’s feedback points and view photos of assignments or special moments from class.

Please feel free to ask me any questions by email at or in person.