How Are Bones Made?


Have you heard of a skeleton monster? Only the skeleton is real. All its bones... the arm bone, leg bone, the rib cage, right down to the little toe!

This website is going to be about how bones are made, broken bones, are bones alive, and some other facts about bones. So let's jump right in.

How Are Bones Made?

Have you ever wondered how your bones are made? This is how they are made. The cells that are in your body actually help make your bones by forming together and building a bone of protein. Your blood helps too, by bringing calcium which sticks and makes a bone. When bones are made, they have to be strong to protect your important organs. But it must be light enough so you can move your body.


Almost all calcium in your body is stored in your bones and teeth. Your body needs calcium for your muscles to move and help send messages to your brain. The recommended amount of calcium for age is 0-6 months: 200 mg, 7-12 months: 260 mg, 1-3 years: 700 mg, 4-8 years: 1000 mg, 9-18 years: 1300 mg, 19-50 years: 1000 mg, 51-70 years: 1000 mg (male) 1200 mg (female), and 71+ years: 1200 mg. Your body can get calcium from dairy foods such as milk.

Vitamin D is also important to keep your bones strong. The recommended amount of vitamin D for ages 0-12 months: 400 IU (IU means international units), 1-70 years: 600 IU, 70+ years: 800 IU

Are Bones Alive?

If you're wondering if your bones are ALIVE, the answer is yes! If they weren't alive you wouldn't be able to move. If your bones were not alive you wouldn't be able to do anything, like a skeleton of a dead creature.

Broken Bones

I have a question: Why do bones break? You can hit the ground really hard, or you can fall from high up. Well, if you break a bone, you might feel some force. A bone breaks when lots of force is put on the bone. Like when you fall from high up, or hit the ground hard, the bone breaks because your bone will be forced to bend. And if it bends too much, it might break. When you break a bone it is called a fracture.

Older people have more problems with broken bones. That is because your bones grow weaker when you grow old. Scientists have actually discovered that the bones of older people start to form many tiny cracks, so tiny that you can't see them with your eyes. When an older person falls, the force may turn the tiny crack into a big crack and cause the bone to break.

Why Do We Have Bones?

If you were ever wondering, "Why do we have bones, what's the point?" Well, here's the answer.

You need bones to protect your organs. If you didn't have bones, your organs would probably be in big danger of getting hurt really bad. You have rib bones to protect your heart, and you have a skull to protect your brain. The holes in your ribs let your lungs get big and small with every breath you take. Your bones come in all shapes and sizes but they all still matter. Your bones help you to survive because they help to protect the most important parts in your body.

This diagram shows what a bone will look like as it is being made.

These are food that will help to keep you healthy. Food with calcium and vitamin D such as milk also makes your bones strong.

This is what a dog's bones look like when the dog sits down.

This is a picture of an X-ray scanning a broken bone.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Books about Bones:

  • Super Skeleton by Anna Claybourn

  • Kids Discover: Bones edited by Stella Sands

  • Body by Jane Parker

  • Bones by Steve Jenkins


  • When you’re about 25 years old, your bones will stop growing, which means you have reached your maximum height.

  • When you grow, your bones grow.

  • When you move, your bones move.

  • Your teeth are actually bones!

  • When you're a baby, you have 300 bones.

  • When you're a kid, teenager, or an adult, you have 206 bones. It's not because you suddenly "lose" your bones! Actually, some of your smaller bones fuse together to become bigger bones as you grow older.

  • Almost every animal with bones is symmetrical.

  • Pirates often used bones in their flags.

This is a picture of a dead sun fish body. If you look close, you will see that the dead animal bone is dirty. That is because the bones aren't alive.

Skull and crossbones is a symbol used by pirates. It is also used as a warning of danger to life.

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