
     The megalodon was a giant prehistoric shark. Its HUGE teeth were sharp as knives. The megalodon isn't alive right now, but for about 13 million years this enormous shark dominated the oceans until becoming extinct just 3.6 million years ago. The megalodon dominated the oceans (dominated means ruled the oceans) until becoming extinct from its throne. The megalodon was the greatest shark in the world until it died. Now the Great White Shark has taken over.

Why did the megalodon go extinct ? 

   People do believe that the megalodon died from an asteroid. They think the asteroid caused a toxic gas that spread over land and water. The megalodon swam in oceans around the world. The megalodon became extinct from a cold, cold temperature. When temperatures got too cold, the sea froze. Lots of fish disappeared which caused the megalodon to become hungry. The megalodon could not find enough food to survive. 


     Scientists say the megalodon ate PREHISTORIC whales, giant turtles, and dolphins. They swam the oceans millions of years ago. Megalodons ate whales for their fat and many sea creatures, including other megalodons. So, Megalodons were cannibals, which means that they ate their own kind. 


     The megalodon fossils have been found in Hawaii in the stones. Many scientists have found fossils in different places like the United states. Scientists don't exactly know how large a megalodon is because they have only a few scattered bones and thousands of fossilized teeth to work with.


     Scientists have come up with an estimated size of the megalodon based on tooth size and comparing them to the great white sharks. Scientists estimate that these sharks could reach almost 100 feet long.

This is the size of a megalodon compared to a human and other sharks.

This megalodon sculpture is a life-size model of the real thing. It is the largest shark in the world, but now it does not swim the oceans because it's extinct.

Some people think the megalodon is still alive. Well, too bad its extinct... OR IS IT!!!

This giant prehistoric shark used to eat lots of other prehistoric animals, including other megalodons.

The big tooth above is from a megalodon.  The smaller teeth belong to the Great White Shark.

Megalodon's favorite foods were prehistoric whales, giant turtles, and dolphins.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Books about the Megalodon:

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