Why Did Hitler Hate the Jews?

Introduction to the Holocaust

     The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of 6 million European Jews by the Nazi Germany regime and its allies and collaborators during the 1930's and 1940's. If you are interested in learning more, you should read this website.

Nazi Administration

     The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) was a group of people who thought that all people who are not ‘Aryan’ were inferior. The word "Aryan" refers to a race of non-Jewish white people from northern Europe who generally had blond hair and blue eyes. Adolf Hitler called Aryans the "master race."

      The Nazis became the biggest party in Germany in 1932. The Nazi SS was the worst and cruelest division of any Nazi soldiers.

     The Nazis started changing rules to keep Jews out of schools and jobs. This led to the creation of many anti-Semitic laws that targeted taking away the rights of Jews. Anti-Semitism is prejudice or hatred of Jewish people just because of their race, heritage, or religion.

Concentration camps

     Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party. He is the person responsible for the murder of 6 million Jews. The Nazis used many cruel ways to kill the Jews, such as using poisoned gas at death camps or group shootings and work in concentration camps or pogroms. Many Jewish people also died of disease and starvation in the concentration camps, which were also called "death camps."

    A concentration camp is like a prison camp where people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions. People put in concentration camps did not have the normal rights of a prisoner to defend themselves in court. They were imprisoned in the concentration camps because of their race or religion, not because they had broken the law.                 

Anti-Semitism and Discrimination

     During the 1930's under the control of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, there was a rise in Germany of the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race over other people. Hitler convinced his followers to blame other races, especially the Jews, for the problems of the German people.

     This caused hatred and discrimination against other people and races, including Jews, Africans, Poles, Slavs, and Gypsies. 

     The Nazis also terrorized and discriminated against people with physical or mental disabilities, gay people, Communists, and people who tried to speak up against Nazis. Anybody who was brave enough to try to protect or hide Jews was attacked, arrested, and imprisoned or killed by the Nazis.


     Under the command of Hitler, the Nazis killed 6 million Jews. They also used a variety of methods to kill their victims, such as by poisoned gas, in death camps, large group shootings, pogroms,  and forced hard work in concentration camps. 

     Pogroms are vicious and violent attacks by a mob of people directed against other people because of their race or heritage

Blaming Jews

     Hitler blamed the Jewish people for the defeat of the German Empire during World War I. After this war, in the 1920's and 1930’s, the German people faced many economic (money) troubles. Many people did not have jobs or enough money to support their families.

Hitler's Rise to Power

     Hitler blamed the Jews for these problems, and created and spread false information about Jews to cause others to follow his lead.  

     Hitler came to power when he was elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933. The chancellor was the head of the German government, like the President in the United States. Hitler remained in control in Germany until his death in 1945.

     After Hitler came to power, he quickly seized more and more power by threatening and attacking those who spoke up against him. He held huge rallies and blamed others for the problems in Germany. Nazi soldiers and the Nazi SS attacked anyone who did not agree with Hitler and the Nazi party. Those who did not agree became blood enemies or mortal enemies, and were targeted by the  Nazis. 


     In conclusion, the actions and beliefs of Adolf Hitler caused the murder of  6 million European Jews during the Holocaust. He made up false information about the Jews so his followers would hate the Jews and go along with his evil ideas. Hitler put Jews in concentration camps so they would die. Hitler is responsible for one of the darkest and cruelest periods in all of human history which caused the deaths of 6 million innocent people.

Jewish people were forced to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing to identify themselves as Jewish. Many laws were passed to keep Jews out of jobs and schools.

Adolf Hitler is responsible for the murder of 6 million European Jews during the Holocaust. They were killed because of the racist beliefs and hatred that was spread by Hitler and his followers.

Many Jewish people were imprisoned and killed in concentration camps during World War II.

The Nazis terrorized many groups of people including Jews, Slavs, Africans, Poles, Gypsies, and homosexuals.

Nazi soldiers and the Nazi SS attacked anyone who did not agree with Hitler and the Nazi party.

This photos shows a gas chamber. Many Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust with a poison gas made of  hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide.

The Yad Vesham Holocaust Museum in Israel honors the victims of the Holocaust.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Websites about the Holocaust:

Books about the Holocaust:

Linked  by Gordon Korman :

     I recommend the book Linked  by Gordan Korman because it is a story about fighting hatred with kindness, and helps you understand the Holocaust in a unique and non-offensive way. 

     The story starts in the boring town of Chokecherry, Colorado, where nothing usually happens until a swastika mysteriously appears on the walls of the school. The swastika is the hateful symbol of the Nazis. The mystery deepens as more and more swastikas begin to appear. 

   7th grader Dana is the only Jewish girl in the school, and she feels like everyone is looking at her. The students learn lots of facts about the horrors of the Holocaust, and they come up with a remarkable project to fight the hatred of the swastikas with kindness and compassion.

Go to Mr. Beekman's Class Website to check out more Big Question Projects...