edition 1 of the new look buzz

MEET THE TEAM - For some extra christmas fun scroll to the bottom!


Co Chief Editor



Co Chief Editor

Hello! We are the new team of editors behind the Buzz. You will notice that many of the brilliant articles featured below have been submitted by children all through the school. If you would like to see your name on an article written by you in the new look Buzz, either hand write it and give it to Mrs Miles or type it and email it to Mrs H-R on hhr@cranleigh.org

There is no word limit but we would like to include as many people as possible so please try to keep it succinct. We look forward to hearing the news that is important to you. 

The New Buzz!

We have revolutionised The Buzz!

 For the past few years, pupils at Cranleigh Prep have been producing the Buzz, our exciting magazine. But this year, we are modernising our newspaper and taking into consideration the sustainability and environmental impact of what we are producing.

In 2022, 500 copies were printed each term, and often thrown away days later. So this year we are taking the Buzz online for the first time! By doing this we will reduce our school's carbon footprint hugely.

This online newspaper will also be much more easy to access because you don't need to carry it with you, instead you can just click onto our website at any time, anywhere!

We can now also update the Buzz more frequently so you have more to read instead of having to wait a whole term for an update.

This newspaper will be much more interactive and interesting for our viewers, this is because we can add videos and photos reels to make it more visually stimulating. We will also be recruiting pupils across the school to share their stories as we are hoping to inspire other young journalists.


Here at CPS we are remembering the Queen in many different ways, such as writing poems, making timelines and photo collages. Rest in peace, your Majesty. 

form 4 cake and charity

Doesn’t everyone love a mufti day or a cake sale? They are all so fun but, while we do love wearing our own clothes and eating delicious snacks, we may be guilty of forgetting what the day is really for. On Friday the 7th of October, Form 4 hosted a cake sale for everyone to enjoy. The cakes were so successful that they ran out! Form 4 raised £ 657.32 For their charity Dreamflight.

For the people who don’t know, every year Lower school chose a local charity, Middle School chose a national charity and Upper School chose an international charity. 

This year Upper School is raising money for  Médecins Sans Frontières A charity that delivers free medical care to those who need it most.

Middle School is raising money for Dreamflight, they are a UK charity that takes children with a serious illness or disability on their holiday of a lifetime to Orlando.

Lower school is raising for Momentum Children’s charity, a charity helping children with cancer and life threatening situations - illness-wise and they are aiming to raise around £100.

By Grace  

The Great Litter pick! by Milly F2

Litter picking has recently become a popular lunchtime venture. After Max and Harry in Form 2 started the idea, many more pupils have decided to help make our school environment better. We are thankful to Mr Stroud who gave us the litter pickers and we are also thankful to Miss Phipps who gave us bags to put the litter in. We hope this will make our school environment better, both for the humans and the animals. 

Anti- Bullying Ambassadors

Do you know anyone that has experienced bullying? Do you know how to spot bullying? Do you know how to stop bullying? A group of pupils feel so strongly about this that they want to try to prevent bullying at Cranleigh Prep.

The anti-bullying ambassadors are a team of ten pupils who have nominated themselves to participate in a two year programme called the ‘Diana’s Award’. During these two years they will be working towards earning four different badges including: Online safety; Wellbeing; Community Action and Respect. On Friday the 30th of September they delivered a thought provoking  assembly to the whole school on the topic of bullying behaviour, and they have numerous plans and ideas to make CPS a happier place.  

The team consists of ten different pupils from the upper school. Their names are: Megan, Jack, Max, Jake, Joshua, Sophie, Tess, Gracie, Yasmeen and Alex. 

Written By Sophie  

mr dixon does it again!

Did you know that Mr Dixon, a Latin and French teacher here, is also an author? His third book just came out and will very soon be on the shelves in the library. Read below to find out more about his books and his inspiration. 

What inspired you to write the Neil Peel books? I always knew I wanted to write books and enjoyed reading thrillers. However, when I attempted to write one, I didn't  feel so enthusiastic about it. I also have a great sense of humour and a lot of good and silly memories from my days at school. I then came to the conclusion that I wanted to write a humorous book about school life.

Which book is your favourite? I find it difficult to pick between the books, but instead usually have a favourite chapter amongst the book.  

Which book was the hardest to write? Probably the first one as I had never written a book before and had to introduce all the characters. In the second and the third book I already had the characters developed, though I had to reintroduce them, I didn't have to talk about them as if they were new. 

Do you have a favourite character? I love to write about Lemoney Peel, Neil’s older, genius older sister. The reason I love writing about her is because she knows everything, but as the writer, I never have to explain how and why she knows what she does.                                                   Interviewed by Sophie

form 4 hockey iaps triumph

On Monday the 10th of October, the under 11 As hockey team went to Charter House to compete in IAPS regionals. We went via the minibus and buzzed the whole way full of excitement and grateful for our big sub coats to keep us warm as it was quite chilly!

We started in group C and won all of our matches except one this placed us top of our group with 13 goals. After the hope spread, helping us to beat Wimbledon High 4-0 in the semi finals.

Nerves were high in the final against Downesnd. We had a short break beforehand where we snacked on surgery treats to keep our energy up. IT was a tense game but we managed to sneak in a goal just before half time. In the second half we focused on defending our goal which won us the IAPS Regional Champions title. Sending us to Nationals at Cheltenham Ladies Collage. At the end of the day, the fact that if we kept winning our matches we wouldn't have to return to school, that kept us going.

We then competed at the finals in Cheltenham and came runners up in The Plate. 

By Olive K and Hattie B

Edited by Grace B

Form 1 Residential Trip to High Ashurst

On Monday 17th October, Form 1 pupils went on an exciting trip to High Ashurst in Dorking. We

boarded the comfortable Gastonia coach and whenwegot to Ryka’s car park, we climbed aboard

the minibuses and drove through the steep, windy roads.

As soon as we arrived, I felt eager to start the first activity, the challenge course which had seesaws,

ropes, wires and platforms. We worked really well together as a team and soon managed to balance

the Seesaw out; I felt happy. Soon after that we had a Kit Kat break, then we went back and did the

rope swing. We had to get from one platform to the other platform across a wire and the only

support we were allowed was a team member, a rope or a post! After that, we went to lunch in the

hall and had tuna or egg mayo, ham or cheese sandwiches and scrummy sausage rolls, crisps and


Next was the biggest challenge of all: the climbing wall! With help from our instructors, we were

fitted with tight harnesses and bright, orange helmets. Then we scaled the wall. One person was

harnessed whilst the others held the rope taut. When it was my turn, I had butterflies in my tummy

but I was really happy when I succeeded.

After climbing for a couple of hours, we collected our bags and went to our cabins. Mine was

‘Horizon’ and I found out that I was in Dorm number 5 with Avie, Evie and Lily! Each room had 2 sets

of bunk beds; I was on the top bunk and we had to work together to make our beds. Eventually we

went for supper where we ate scrummy fajitas and apple crumble with custard.

By Olivia S

Following that, we returned to our cabins for a movie and popcorn; we watched Encanto and

enjoyed singing along to the songs – Mr Brooks even popped in for a visit! Then it was time to brush

our teeth and get into bed.

The next morning, we packed our bags, stripped our beds and then headed off to breakfast. What a

feast! There was so much to choose from: bacon, sausages, baked beans, egg, hash browns as well

as toast, cereal and fresh fruit – it was delicious!Our first activity was Woodland skills and we followed out instructors, Ellie, John and James to

collect Silver Birch twigs to use as fuel for the fire. On the way we saw toadstools, fungi and jellyear.

When we arrived at the hut in the wood, we practised making sparks using flint to start the fire.

Then we tried to set light to cotton wool. John made a campfire using the silver birch sticks which we

had collected. Then he roasted popcorn kernels in a gauze pan; the kernels didn’t do anything at first

but as the fire got hotter, the popcorn welled and popped – we could hear it! Soon it was time to eat

the popcorn – yummy! Next, John poured water onto the fire and used the embers to make charcoal

face paint! I had a Harry Potter scar.

Our final activity was orienteering in small groups where we had to read maps and find clues. My

group name was CLOG! Finally, we ate our lovely picnic outside in the sunshine, had a run around

and said goodbye to our instructors. Then we got on the minibus and drove back down the windy hill

to meet our coach and go back to school. I was tired but felt very proud of my achievements!

The Buzz team decided to open a competition asking pupils to send pictures of any mascots that support Cranleigh (it can be almost anything: a dog, a cat, a teddy etc) to us at the Buzz via  hhr@cranleigh.org.

We will feature the best and most creative photos in each  issue!

The winner and inspiration for this competition for Edition 1 of the new look online Buzz is.....


This is Twiglet, Charlie and Marnie H’s dog.

Twiglet has this specially made and rather dashing Cranleigh coloured outfit. Twiglet is the much loved mascot of the U8 girls sports teams. She is extremely popular and now looks very smart and ready to support the girls come rain or shine! 

Form 2 go to cobnor!

Every year form two go on a residential to Cobnor for two nights. This year it was our turn!

 Excited and happy chatter filled the bus as we made our way there. In fact our chatter was as loud as a herd of elephants. The journey was as bumpy as a scaly crocodiles back.

 When we got to Cobnor, the sun was shining. Everyone felt sorry for the poor teachers, who had to try and quieten us down.

 We got shown our dorms. Everyone got at least one person they wanted in their dorm.

 After that we got given a delicious lunch of sandwiches, salty crisps and a milky chocolate bar.

 When our lunch had gone down, we made our way to our next activity. For some this was archery, for others this was rock climbing or perhaps it was bush craft or maybe rafted canoeing, or aero ball. Some had initiative exercises or problem solving.


Archery was hard, but when you hit a good shot, you felt very proud. Everyone enjoyed this and it was one of the favourite activities.

 Rock climbing was fun but difficult. When you reached the top you felt as high as a swooping eagle. The challenging wall looked easy, but really it was the opposite.

 In bush craft, we were trying to make fire. As we got more experienced, we started to try to light harder things.

 In rafted canoeing, we played fun games such as Simon says. In the final they tended to say “Simon says jump in” Some cannonballed straight in but others hesitated and got pushed in!

 Aero ball was fast paced, tiering and made you want to lie down. We played two games on the bouncy trampolines. We played two games on the bouncy trampolines. One was a one to one shooting game. You aimed for the other person's hole in the net. The other game was hot potato. Some were good at these, some not so much. 

Problem solving was a series of exercises such as this: WE each got given a few metal cylinder shaped poles. We had to stick the poles in to a wooden upright log. The idea was to get to the end.

After dinner we got in to our pyjamas and watched High School Musical. Mid way through we got given delicious crunch popcorn. When we went to bed, everyone couldn't stop chatting, I doubt anyone got a wink of sleep! Unfortunately, everyone woke up early in the morning- trust me it is not a good combination.

On Wednesday, our last day, we had a gargantuan breakfast of cereal, toast and bacon, beans and sausages. As we came back from our first activity we had some biscuits. They gave us a sugar boost to carry us through our next activity.

For lunch we had a filling sandwich, a LOT of crisps and huge chocolate bats. We had to leave quickly but we hall said a loud thankyou to the instructors.

As we loaded on to the huge Gastonia bus, our laughter came in a heavy stream. On the way back, some merrily chatted while others fell in into a deep sleep.

A big big thankyou to Mrs Seward, Miss Sandy, Mr Callaghan and Miss Phipps.

By Chloe 2P

Edited by Grace

Mill on the brue

Mill on the Brue is a wonderful place. A few weeks ago, Form Three went there for a two-night residential trip, and everyone enjoyed it. 

For many pupils, the highlight of the trip was the zip wire. Everyone loved it as it is what Mill on the Brue is known for. The zip line is really long and goes over a river, a copse and a whole field! It’s amazing, just like you’re flying, zooming through the air, waving to the tiny ants of people far below you. Adults use parachutes when going down, as they would zoom down too quickly if they didn’t have one. When my teacher went down, her parachute billowed out like a flower blooming into a vibrant  blossom. CPS loved the zip wire.

Another hit was the high ropes. Form three did crate stacking. Everyone got into pairs first, before one pair was chosen to climb the crates. Another pair was chosen to stack the crates. Then the climbers harnesses were clipped in. The climbers climbed the progressively stacked crates, holding onto each other, before the crates came hurtling to the ground and they fell.  

    Kayaking was fun as well. It was the only water sport, though it was exciting holding our oars. Some groups jumped in afterwards. Of course we were wearing life jackets and were safe at all times.

At night we changed into our pyjamas and drank hot chocolate, before snuggling into our cosy beds, with another busy next day ahead of us at Mill on the Brue.

By Bea Chadwick

Edited by Sophie 

🎄🎁✨Christmas is a time for fun so enjoy these puzzes made by the buzz team!✨🎁🎄