Return to Learn Plan

Fall 2020

The 2020-21 school year is underway in Crandall ISD and flexibility has been key while families choose the instructional delivery model that best meets their needs. Whether that choice is in-person or virtual learning, CISD is committed to creating a flexible, all-new safe and healthy learning environment to protect all our Pirates—both students and staff—as the school year gets underway.

CISD's "Return to Learn" plan provides an overview of protocols for campus health and safety, along with procedures for in-person and virtual learning, to assist families while making an informed decision. The months-long planning process has continuously evolved around new information and guidance from national, state and local health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Feedback from more than 1,100 staff members, parents and teacher focus groups was core to the planning process and determining key priorities.

Flexibility has been essential throughout the past several months and that will certainly carry through as we begin this 2020-21 school year. We must remain flexible in our ability to plan and adapt to changing circumstances. And through that adaptive approach, we are thrilled to have our students returning to us—whether in-person or virtually matters not.

See below for information regarding CISD's Return to Learn Plan, and thank you for your continued support of our Pirates.

CISD Return to School Plan


Feedback & Input

Instructional Information

Instructional Roles & Learning Tools

Return To School Protocols

Health and Safety Protocols


School Arrival & Dismissal


Standard Classroom Procedures

Water Fountains


Elementary Specialized Classrooms & Areas

Secondary Specialized Classrooms & Extracurricular

School Activities & Events

On-campus & Off-campus Student Activities

Hallways & Lockers

Drills & Emergencies

Cleaning & Disinfecting Materials

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the district keep students and teachers safe?

Crandall ISD’s approach to safety includes:

  • Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting

  • Health screening and preventative hygiene

  • Physical and social distancing

  • Communication, training and coordination

Masks will be required. The district will provide each student and teacher with a limited number of face coverings and one face shield.

Once I choose either in-school or virtual learning, can I change my mind?

If you select CISD's HOMEroom for at-home learning, you have the ability to change your selection up until two weeks before the start of school by contacting your child’s campus. Remote learners who start the year at home must finish the first six-week grading period in virtual classes but will have an opportunity to change their selection to in-school learning for the second six weeks.

How will the district manage cleaning of buses, classrooms and other shared spaces?

How will elementary students be protected at recess?

Elementary school classroom teachers may have students switch their face shields for masks, as that may be easier for students while outside. If students are more than six feet apart, masks or shields are not required. If they are within six feet, masks or shields are required.

CISD will enhance daily cleaning of all facilities and buses, with special attention to specific high-use areas such as door handles, knobs, and buttons. Custodians will be trained to deep clean a facility or a specific site within a facility should a confirmed case of COVID-19 be identified on a campus, bus or other site, as recommended by the CDC. Materials include:

Cafeteria Tables
J-512 Sanitizer

Virex II 256
Virex Plus

Crew NA SC Non-Acid Bowl and Bathroom Disinfectant Cleaner
Oxivir 1 Wipes

Floor Cleaner
Prominence Heavy Duty Floor Cleaner
PERdiem General Purpose Cleaner with Hydrogen Peroxide

Glass Cleaner
Glance NA Glass & Multi-Surface Cleaner Non-Ammoniated
Glance HC Glass & Multi-Surface Cleaner

Odor Control
BreakDown XC Odor Eliminator
Good Sense Liquid Odor Counteractant Concentrate

Power Cleaner
Spitfire Power Cleaner SC

Hand Soap
Rubbermaid Enriched Foam Hand Wash MFG SKU # 3486571

What screenings will take place?

All students and staff will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms daily and individuals with symptoms will be separated and sent home. Staff will be required to complete a self-screening process prior to entering a Crandall ISD building, and the district may require further screening of employees at any time based on current state and federal guidelines. Staff are expected to sign in any time they are accessing a district facility/building.

A parent or guardian will be required to screen their children for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending them to school. Parents will need to take their child’s temperature daily. Additional screening may be conducted during the school day. Parents must ensure they do not send a child to school on campus if the child has COVID-19 symptoms or is lab-confirmed with COVID-19.

How will school bus transportation be impacted?

Bus routes will run at regular capacity with strict riding procedures and sanitization efforts. All drivers and riders will wear face coverings while on the school bus. While waiting on the bus, students should practice social distancing and wear face coverings. Parents are asked to assist at bus stops with child supervision for PPE and distance, if possible.

Hand sanitizer will be available on the bus and student temperatures will be taken prior to boarding. The parents of any student at a bus stop found to have a fever of 100.4 will be notified. Elementary students may be picked up at the stop by their parents or escorted home by a district employee, with parent permission. If parents cannot be contacted, students will be transported by district vehicle to a location where they will away parent pickup.

Secondary students can walk home with parent permission or be escorted by a district employee to their house. They will also be transported to a central location for parent pickup if contact cannot be made.

Will temperatures be taken before entering the campus?

Students who are bus riders will not have their temperatures taken again. Students who are walkers or dropped off will have designated entry points where temperatures will be taken. A student with a fever of 100.4 or greater will be sent to a safe clinic area until the parent picks them up. The clinic area will be set up to keep those with COVID-19 symptoms apart from other students visiting the nurse.

What safety equipment will be available in the classroom?

Students may either exchange their masks worn to school for a face shield once first period begins, or place face shields over their masks. Each classroom will be provided with CDC-approved disinfectant wipes and spray, and hand sanitizer to be used as determined by the teacher.

How will students participate in specials such as PE, music and art?

PE equipment will be disinfected and wiped down after each use. Visual markers will be on the gym floor and other areas as reminders of social distancing rules. All classrooms that include music and art will be sprayed with disinfectant. Students will use their own art supplies and avoid sharing equipment, utensils and supplies as much as possible. Music equipment will also be cleaned after each use.

How will lunch and breakfast in the cafeteria take place?

Teachers will monitor the cafeteria and hallways to promote social distancing practices. Depending on the number of students in the school, students may have meals in both the cafeteria and in classrooms. Cafeteria capacity will be based on current guidelines. Students will receive a temperature check upon entry to the cafeteria.

Students will be expected to follow campus guidelines for cafeteria procedures. Students will be seated according to a seating plan for students consistent with social distancing guidelines, to the greatest extent possible.

Will secondary students change classes?

Yes. Staggered releases from each class will be organized to limit the number of students in the hallway during transitions. In two-way halls, students are expected to stay to the far right of the hall when walking. Traffic patterns will be established throughout the campus that separates individuals to the greatest extent possible. Visual markers will be developed to help students maintain physical distances and adhere to established campus traffic flow in hallways. Students and staff must wear face coverings in the halls and avoid gathering in large groups during passing periods.

Will parents be contacted if there is a confirmed case at their child's school?

It is against the law for any school district to release or identify the names of anyone who has tested positive for the virus. However, school systems must notify all teachers, staff, and families of all students in a school if a lab confirmed COVID-19 case is identified among students, teachers, or staff who participate in any on-campus activities.

If a positive case is confirmed at your child's campus, CISD Health Services will begin working with the county health department and contact tracing to determine who the student or staff may have come in close contact with. All families will be notified via email if a positive case has been confirmed at their student's campus. If it is determined that your child was in close contact, you will be notified and given detailed instructions for next steps. Depending on the extent of the contact tracing results, a number of actions could occur, including dismissing entire groups of students, classes, or in worst cases, closing a school for a designated period of time.

How long does someone stay home from school if they have tested positive?

Students and staff who have been lab-confirmed for COVID-19 will be permitted to return to school when:

    • They are 24 hours fever-free without using fever-reducing medication

    • Improved symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, etc.)

    • 14 calendar days have passed since symptoms began

What happens if I have close contact with a confirmed case?

New CDC recommendations call for a quarantine of 7-to-10 days after exposure—down from the 14 days formerly expected. Individuals not exhibiting symptoms can end their quarantine after seven days if they receive a negative test, or 10 days without being tested.

To return after seven days, students cannot test for negative results before Day 5 of their quarantine. Both viral and rapid tests are acceptable.

The new guidelines also allow local health officials to adjust CDC recommendations for situations specific to their jurisdictions. Kaufman County Emergency Management currently supports the federal changes.

The CDC still endorses a 14-day quarantine as the best way to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19. However, the agency is trying to offer some flexibility given the work and school restraints faced by families. Recent evidence also suggests the incubation period may not be two weeks for most people.

Will grading and curriculum be the same with in-school or virtual learning?

Teachers will utilize the same curriculum as students who attend face-to-face instruction and will design strategies for learning in the remote environment. Grading will be consistent with the guidelines and practices used in all face-to-face instruction.

Can students participate in extra-curricular activities if they attend classes virtually?

Students in grades 7-12 choosing online virtual learning will not be able to participate in on-campus classes for extra-curricular activities.

Will at-home learning be live or recorded?

Students will be assigned a virtual class schedule and must be available for live, teacher-led instruction during each school day, per their class schedule. Students will show their face on the screen to engage with the teacher virtually and participate in the class activities, discussions, and assignments.

What does a schedule look like for virtual learning?

While in a remote learning environment, time management is critical to success. Students and teachers must remain in communication regarding daily schedules and assignments. As with any traditional course, there is a risk of receiving a lower grade if a student falls behind. If students are struggling with time management, then the parent or student should ensure the teacher is aware.

When and how can parents formally choose between in-person or virtual learning?

Families with a child enrolled in CISD will receive an email from the district the week of July 27 with information and instructions to formally choose a 2020-21 instructional model (in-person or at-home) for each of their enrolled students. The period to make a formal choice will remain open until August 4, and parents can also make changes during that time.