JFK Technology

Google Drive
EnVision Math
Google Classroom
Discovery Education

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Don't forget to...Cite your Sources!


Read the URL

Examine the sites content

Ask about the Author or Publisher

Look at the links

Dear JFK Families,

Please email me if you are having trouble logging into any of your children's accounts or you have any questions. I am here to help you.

Mrs. Foley


Taking a screenshot on a Chromebook with the keyboard can be done in a couple ways.

1. To capture your entire screen, hit Ctrl + window switch key.

2. To capture only part of the screen, hit Ctrl + Shift + window switch key, then click and drag your cursor to select the area you'd like to capture. Copy to Clipboard (lower right corner). Paste into your document.

Mrs. Julie Foley, Instructional Technology Teacher

781-821-5080 x 5177

John F. Kennedy Elementary School/Canton, MA 02021