
Art Projects for Home:

Here you will find a variety of art activities you can do at home to get your creativity flowing. Click on a video below to learn about an Art Challenge from Miss Carter! Don't have the supplies needed for the video? Get creative and use what you can find in your home.

Be sure to share your creation on Padlet at the bottom of the page!

Featured Videos:

Origami Puppets

Create your own paper puppets for a one-of-a-kind puppet show!

Paper Weaving

Create a weaving using only paper! Great for all grade levels.

Previous Videos:

Create Marbled Paper

Create a Flower Drawing

Symmetrical Alien Drawings

Create 3D Flowers and Vase

Create a Masterpiece for Mom

Create a Nature Sculpture

Create a Miniature Sketchbook

Copy of Chris Uphues Inspired Art

Create fun heart drawings inspired by Street Artist, Chris Uphues

The Color Wheel Challenge

Let's Create Rainbows!

Share your artwork on Padlet:

Click the pink plus sign at the bottom of the page to share your photos!