Full & In-Text Citations

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Examples when the author/creator is known - for a book and an online article:

Lowry, Lois. The Giver. Delacorte Press, 2006.

Kendall, Jennifer. "The Appeal of Dystopian Novels for Teens." ThoughtCo, 9 July 2019, thoughtco.com/dystopian-novels-and-teens-626666. Accessed 24 February 2024.

Examples when the author/creator is not known - for a webpage and an online video:

“Rindge Avenue Upper School (6-8).” Cambridge Public Schools, https://www.cpsd.us/schools/rauc. Accessed 24 February 2024.

“The Outsiders (1983).” YouTube, 16 November 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxG89YdmXIw. Accessed 24 February 2024.

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Examples when the author/creator is known - for a book* and an online article:

(Lowry 28)


* For books, add the page where you found your information

Examples when the author/creator is not known - for a webpage and an online video:

(“Rindge Avenue Upper School (6-8)”) 

("The Outsiders (1983)")

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Book: Enter a book's ISBN from the back cover (it will look like 978-0-38-573255-0).


Website: Enter a website's URL (it will look like https://www.cpsd.us/schools/rauc).


Video (online): Select source type  Website  and enter a video's URL (it will look like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxG89YdmXIw).