The K-Lo Pollinator Project



Here is some background regarding the K-Lo Pollinator Project. In 2022, the students in Ms. Steyer's class studied how writing can be a powerful tool to bring about change in our community. They learned how to state their opinion with sufficient reasons and examples. They were inspired by the text Rise Up and Write It by Nandini Ahuja to write about a topic that they were concerned about in their community. 

As the students ate snack and lunch outside, they noticed that the outdoor space in front of the Kennedy-Longfellow School needed some help. They wanted to see more nature. 

With the generous support of the Cambridge Rotary Club, the students' hopes for the Kennedy-Longfellow's outdoor space became a reality. 

Check out samples of the students' letters advocating for change.  

Check out photos of the raised garden bed. 

Learn about the pollinator plants in the garden. 

The K-Lo Pollinator Project needs your help! Find out more here. 

Check out our favorite books about gardens.