Choose Your Own Adventure Project

In this project you will:

Write a story in the style of a choose-your-own-adventure and use Google Slides to share it with others. 

Watch the video, then scroll down.

CYOA 0.Intro.mp4

Step 1: Read some CYOA books. 

(Watch the video.)

CYOA 1. Read Instructions.mp4

Step 2: Make a plan. 

(Watch 2 videos)

CYOA: Flow Charts.mp4
CYOA Planners 2.mp4

Let Amanda know when you are ready.  The templates will be in our Library/Tech Google Classroom.

If you are working with a partner, one of you will get the template in Google Classroom and share it with the other.

Coming soon...

Step 3: Create your Google Slidedeck with links between slides.

Video here with instructions.

instructions for sharing

Step 4: Add your story to your slides.

Video here with instructions.

check your work:  do the internal links work properly?

(put a "start over" button on all the Death Slides)

Step 5: Jazz it up! Add illustrations, animations, and transitions. 

Video here with instructions.

Let Amanda know when you're ready for a final check.