Welcome back to Sabin, class of 2020 and 2021! While this year begins in a non-traditional way, from all of us your teachers, we wish everyone a great year ahead!

Make sure you are in your homeroom Google Classrooms at exactly 9:00 am on SEPTEMBER 8, TUESDAY. To get you ready for the first day and the rest of the quarter, please follow the steps below and click on the pictures for the links:

¡Bienvenido de nuevo a Sabin, clase de 2020 y 2021! Aunque este año comienza de una manera no tradicional, de parte de todos nosotros, sus maestros, les deseamos a todos un gran año escolar!

Asegúrate de estar en tu salón de clases de Google Classrooms el martes, 8 de septiembre, exactamente a las 9:00 am. Para que obtengan información importante el primer día y para el resto del semestre. Por favor de seguir los pasos a continuación y haga clic en las imágenes de los enlaces (links):

1) LOOK FOR YOUR NAME in the rosters and find out who your Homeroom Teacher is , who your classmates are! Go to your Google Classroom app and be in your homeroom meet at 9AM for important announcements!


Grade 7 Class Schedules Click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wGRl3gdbgcItdZ7q9G3LE5S7wQKsgzJL/view?usp=sharing

Grade 8 Class Schedules Click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_cTii5UQFShUik5H5OQZGllZPa3FFKVE/view

Diverse Learners will have a special schedule for Math, Reading and Writing. You will receive a separate email from your DL Teacher.

3) FIND OUT MORE ABOUT YOUR TEACHERS! Read some interesting facts about your 7th and 8th Grade Teachers

4) TELL YOUR PARENT OR GUARDIAN about our virtual meet-and-greet.