Core Values

Play & Inquiry Based Learning

"Play is the highest form of research" -Albert Einstein


"We will know that inclusive education has really become embedded in our culture when the term becomes obsolete". -Unknown

Family & Community Partnerships

"Together, may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly". -Unknown


(Working Mission Statement)

We empower children, support staff, engage parents and embrace community partnerships.  


(Working Vision Statement)

We instill a lifelong love of learning in our preschoolers by utilizing inquiry, play and project approaches to teaching and learning while partnering with families to create a strong sense of community that values inclusionary practices and family/ community partnerships.

Our school uses Creative Curriculum for Preschool which builds children’s confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills through hands-on, project-based investigations. It promotes discovery and inquiry with opportunities for children to think critically and develop process skills with rich, hands-on investigations of relevant and interesting topics in the classroom.

Our teachers use Teaching Strategies Gold to assess students through observations and photos.  These assessments are embedded in everyday interactions with children in the classroom so they are an authentic part of instruction, not a disruption.

Our team is committed to Academic Progress, Operational Excellence, and Building Trust, which are the hallmarks of the CPS Blueprint, and which build on the goals and values established by our District’s 5-year Vision.