Other School Policies and Procedures

After School Programs

Right at School for 23-24 School Year

We are happy to inform you that Right At School, Farnsworth’s trusted provider of our after school care program, has opened registration for fall 2023.

We expect demand to be high next school year, so we encourage families who intend to use after school care this fall to register as soon as possible.


Cell Phones/Electronic Device Policy

For purposes of this policy "Electronic Device" means a privately owned wireless and/or portable electronic handheld equipment that includes, but is not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies (cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, etc.), portable internet devices (mobile Android, Apple devices, etc.), Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) (pocket PCs, etc.), handheld entertainment systems (video games, ebook devices, MP3 players, iPods ©, etc.), Airpods ©, earbuds, wireless headphones and any other convergent communication technologies that do any number of the previously mentioned functions.

Students may possess electronic devices at school subject to the following:

Use of electronic devices on school premises including passing-time between classes, bathroom and recess/lunchtime, is strictly prohibited.   They must be completely powered down, turned off and not be seen.

Farnsworth School strongly advises students NOT to bring cell phones or electrical devices to school.  If a student needs to reach parents/guardians, the student can ask to go to the main office at any time to use the phone.   If there is an emergency, parents/guardians can call the main office to get in contact with their child.

If a student has an electronic device out during the school day, we will use a three strike policy:

First offense: The student is reminded of the expectation that devices should be powered down and out of sight during the school day.

Second offense: The phone is confiscated and kept in a locked drawer in the office. The student may retrieve the device at the end of the day.

Third offense: phone is confiscated and kept in a locked drawer in the office. The parent is notified and must come to the school to pick up the device.

Electronic devices shall not be used in a way that threatens, humiliates, harasses, or intimidates school related individuals, including students, employees, and visitors.

The school will not assume responsibility for lost/stolen/damaged cell phones.  It is the responsibility of the student to keep devices secure.

Students and guardians in grades 4-8 will be asked to sign an acknowledgement of this policy.


For both safety and liability reasons, school policy prohibits dogs from being on school property at any time. Although we love our furry friends, please do not bring them to drop off or pick up.

Emergency Information Request Form

All parents are required to fill out and return the Emergency Information Request Form for each student—even if all of the information is unchanged from last year. Furthermore, parents must notify the school immediately if an address, phone number, or any other contact information changes during the school year. In an emergency, every minute can count!

Entering Building

Please call the office and make an appointment prior to coming to school. To ensure the safety of our students, parents who wish to enter the building must do so through the main entrance (Door 1), stop at the security desk, present a valid ID to obtain a visitor’s pass then come into the Main Office. 

Instructional Fee

The $75 instructional per student fee was implemented by the Farnsworth School LSC to enable the school to purchase new workbooks, assignment notebooks and other consumable supplies that will help students. Especially with the current CPS budget issues, these funds are needed so the school can purchase up-to-date materials that the students need to get the best education possible.

The instructional fee can be paid in cash, check (made out to Farnsworth School), or money order at the Main Office. Students may also give the fee to their teacher in a sealed envelope marked “Instructional Fee.” Fee waivers are available by request in the office for families who qualify.

Medication Needed During School Hours

Farnsworth School follows the Chicago Public School policy regarding the administration of medication during school hours. If your child needs to receive medication while at school, contact the school office to find out what paperwork is needed. This includes EpiPens, inhalers, and medications both over the counter and prescribed. If interested, you can see the policy on the Chicago Public School Web site at https://cps.edu/oshw/Pages/HealthPolicies.aspx.

Meeting with Your Child’s Teacher

If you’d like to talk to your student’s teacher during the school year, you can send a message via his/her preferred method of communication (a note, email, or phone message) indicating the need for a parent/teacher conference or call the main office. The teacher will then work with you in scheduling the meeting. Conferences are scheduled either before or after school to prevent any interruption in classroom activities.

Meeting with Office Staff

If you would like to meet with any of our office staff, including our principal, assistant principal, counselor or case manager, please call the office at 773-534-3535 to set up an appointment.

No Smoking

State law prohibits smoking on school district property or within 15 feet of any school entrance.

Parental Responsibilities

Parents can play a key role in helping their children succeed at Farnsworth by:

1. Ensuring that their children come to school each day and do their homework nightly

2. Providing their children with a quiet place to study

3. Encouraging, supporting and showing interest in their school activities and accomplishments

4. Reading to their younger children or having their older children read to them

5. Becoming involved in some way in a school related activity. Joining the PTA is a great place to start!

6. Sign up for Parent Portal to view your child’s grades and attendance.