Natural Helpers

Instagram: @ccps_naturalhelpers



  Call or Text : 988

This is the national suicide and crisis lifeline, you personally do not need to be in a crisis to reach out to it.

Available 24/7 in English or Spanish

Text HOME to: 741-741

The national crisis text line is a  24/7 text only line where you can receive support for stress, anxiety, and suicide.  


7am-11:30pm (call)

6pm-11pm (text)

This is the NM Warmline for non emergencies.

Text START to 678678

This is Trevor Text, they provide help for people struggling who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Call or text: 1 (855) NMCRISIS (662-7474)

This is the NM Crisis Line which is open 24 hours a day. You can receive help with suicide, stress and anxiety

      Call: (877) 565-8860 

This is the national trans lifeline that connects trans people to the community support and resources they need to survive and thrive.

Available 24 hours a day

Call: 1-866-331-9474     Text: 88788

This is the Teen Dating Abuse Hotline where you can find help in someone who is trained to help.

Call: 1-800-821-4357

This number is the Substance Abuse Hotline where you can call to get 24/7 help if you are struggling with substance abuse.

We are peer helpers, dedicated to the wellness of all students. We work with other schools to spread awareness about mental illness and work to create a safe and healthy environment at our school.  We have been trained in positive youth development, youth suicide prevention, peer helping skills, health & self-care, and team building.  We have long-term goals to decrease risk factors, increase social involvement, improve mental health and suicide prevention, increase academic achievement, and improve adolescent health outcomes. 

Natural Helpers Mission Statement

The natural Helpers are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment in the CCPS community where both youth and adults practice self-care, are cognizant of their own health and that of others, build healthy relationships, and develop effective ways to help  and support each other.

Natural Helpers Objectives

See what CCPS students ranked as their top five most relevant youth issues

Meet the Natural Helpers! 

Come learn more about our great team of peer to peer helpers! And don't be afraid to reach out to one of them if you are struggling. 

Eli Tracey

 Hey, my name is Eli Tracey and I am a junior. I have been a natural helper for five years. I relieve stress by running and playing  the piano. 

Joseph Martinez

 Good day, my name is Joseph Martinez and I am in 10th grade.  I relieve stress by keeping active with swimming, and playing waterpolo. I also like to play video games with my friends.

Eleanor Keleher

Hi! My name is Eleanor, and I am in 8th grade. This is my second year being a Natural Helper! To relieve stress, I like to read books, meditate, and play with friends. I also like to draw and listen to music.

Ava McDermott

Hi, my name is Ava and I am a senior this year! This is my first year as a Natural Helper and I like to relieve stress by watching anime and lifting weights.

Eliana Merhege

 Hello my name is Ellie, I am a first-year natural helper, and I am in 11th grade. I love to relieve stress by swimming, running, and being in nature.

Abbie Govelinger

Hi, My name is Abbie and I have this is my first year doing Natural helpers.  I am a junior and relieve stress by playing sports and singing.

Shane Yara

Hi! My name is Shane Yara, and I am in 10th grade. This is my first year being a Natural Helper. When I am stressed, I like to procrastinate, because I find it very relaxing. :)

Kuenzler Fekete

Hello, my name is Kuenzler and I am a sophomore. This is my first year as a natural helper! I relieve stress by writing.

Cat Younis

Hi! My name is cat and I am in 9th grade. this is my first year as a natural helper and I relieve stress by drawing.

Jack Hoeksema

Hi, my name is Jack and I am in 7th grade. This is my first year as a natural helper, and I don't know what I do to relieve stress.

Lucy Binnert

Hello, my name is Lucy and this is my first year as a natural helper. I am in 7th grade. I relieve stress by writing and making stories.

Camilla Villarreal

Hey! My name is Camilla and I am in 7th Grade. I love to play volleyball and I am so excited for my first year as a natural helper! I relieve stress by reading.

Abby Loman

Hi! I'm Abby and this is my first year in Natural Helpers. My favorite way to relieve stress is by reading. 

Teagan Green

Hey! I'm Teagan, I'm in 7th grade. This is my first year of being a natural helper. I relieve stess by reading or sleeping. 

Meet the Sponsors!

Natural Helpers sponsors support the Natural Helpers in any way necessary and are adult allies with the peer to peer helper program.

Dr. Reid-Smith

I have been a science teacher or involved in science teacher education since 2002.  One of my favorite activities during that time has been to sponsor the CCPS Natural Helpers.  I greatly enjoy and am proud of my work with these students during their growth as leaders, resilient individuals, and caring community builders before and during the pandemic.


Room D5

Mr. VanLief

I am a former engineer that turned into a math and science educator. I have a passion for people, learning, and service. I am thrilled to be the high school sponsor for Natural Helpers! I like to destress by listening to metal music, playing games, getting outside, and working out.


Room C9

Ms. Joy

I teach 7th grade Life Science and am very proud to be a part of the Natural Helpers team. I love getting to work with a team of amazing students to build a fun and safe community for CCPS. One way I destress in the moment is deep breathing, and to manage stress: being active and outdoors works best.


Room F4