
This is a year of tremendous growth as sixth graders are no longer in grade school, but a member of our Middle School. They not only have new challenges but exciting opportunities ahead! It’s time to push their skills as writers and readers to the next level. The focus in English this year is reading, writing, listening, speaking, and language studies. Our Literature program is designed to grow your world view and develop strategies for lifelong learning. Analytical and critical thinking skills will be the focus in our discussion based approach to reading books such as The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and Roll of Thunder Hear Me Cry by Mildred D. Taylor.

Using TCi History Ancient Civilizations, we will explore the ancient world and have a chance to recreate some of the most important civilizations and learn what gifts they gave to our current civilization. Through Social Studies we will learn what it means to be a citizen and through our religious studies we learn how to be a Catholic citizen.

Mrs. Twomey will be challenging our sixth grade class with the Common Core Progress units. Students will build understanding of key mathematical concepts using multiple representations of a skill. They will model mathematics with real-world problems to make sense of math and apply their knowledge. Sixth grade math is the grade when all students need to have basic operations in place so they will be fully prepared to take on the rigor of Jr. High math.

Earth science is our focus and Mrs. Gialis makes it come to life! Our students participate in weekly science labs, class work and field work. Our sixth grade class will go out of the classroom this year for a week of outdoor learning at the beautiful Camp Arroyo. Then we will have the chance for them to prove what they know at Science Fair and the Invention Convention.

In this year of growth will be developing as students and citizens taking on responsibility for the safety of our school with our year long service as traffic moderators.

This year is an opportunity to grow in mind, body and spirit as we learn to become world, national and community citizens through our knowledge of our curriculum and ourselves. We are and will be life-long learners!