Ms. Kappelman-Culver

I completed my Masters and PhD at CAL, The University of California, Berkeley in the beginning of the 1980s and began working in Catholic Schools in my placement and soon after as an employee. I enjoyed working in each school, as the principals trusted me to use the tests that were needed for each student, and supported my sharing of all that I knew about their student, their strengths and areas in need of improvement, as well as what interventions would likely help their child to find success with both academic achievement and social-emotional development.

I made the right choice and since the 1980’s I’ve been working in several Catholic Schools that are in the Diocese of Oakland, as well as serving people of all ages in my private practice where I counsel individuals, couples and families, do psycho-educational assessments and provide consultation for outside professionals and parents.

I am very grateful to have worked more than 38 years and continue to love my work and the people I am blessed to work with.

We raised our two daughters in Lafayette and continue to reside there today.

My husband and I have been married for 36 years and together for 40 years.