Cloud and Fog Robotics: 

A Hands-on Tutorial with ROS2 and FogROS2

May 17(Friday) 9:00 - 12:30. Room 304

Sign up to attend the tutorial here


Cloud and fog robotics empower resource-limited robots to execute computationally intensive tasks like deep learning. This tutorial covers cutting-edge methods and applications, incorporating insights from academia researchers and industry experts. It presents a full hands-on experience for both those who want to develop their first cloud robotics application and experienced practitioners interested in discussing the usability challenges of the field.

Tentative Schedule

9:00 Welcome Remark and Introduction to Cloud Robotics, Assistant Prof. Jeffrey Ichnowski

09:05 Introduction and Selected Topics in Cloud Robotics,  Assistant Prof. Sandeep Chinchali

09:20 Industry Talk #1, Nan Tian, Bosch Research

09:35  CloudGripper: An Open Source Cloud Robotics Testbed for Robotic Manipulation Research, Benchmarking and Data Collection at Scale, Associate Prof. Florian Pokorny

09:50 Topics in Cloud Robotics, Prof. Ken Goldberg 

10:05 Coffee Break / Discussion / Check In

10:15 Open Robotics Talk #2, Geoff Biggs

10:30 Panel Discussion, 

    Moderator:  Assistant Prof. Jeffrey Ichnowski

    Panelists: All speakers 

11:00 Hands-on Tutorial: Introduction to FogROS2, Kaiyuan Chen

              Hands-on Tutorial: Explore CloudGripper with FogROS2, Zahid Muhammad

11:50 Testing and discussing the experience

12:20 Concluding Remarks; Q&A Organizers 

Virtual Attendees: 

Zoom Meeting Room: 868 4401 4284

Passcode: 491903 


Kaiyuan Chen (UC Berkeley)

Jeffrey Ichnowski (CMU)

Simeon Adebola (UC Berkeley)

Trinity Chung (UC Berkeley)

Florian T Pokorny (KTH)

John Kubiatowicz (UC Berkeley)

Ken Goldberg (UC Berkeley)