Welcome to the Google Educators Group of Northern California!

GEGs are independently run communities of educators who inspire and empower each other to meet the needs of students through technology both in the classroom and beyond. Via face to face meet-ups and online activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together.

#GrowWithGoogle innovative community of educators!

Connect With GEG NorCal

GEG Nor Cal Launch 


Check out upcoming GEG NorCal events or submit your own events for others to join!

Follow us @GEG_NorCal on Twitter. Connect with other educators in NorCal and beyond!

Join our GEG NorCal Google Group to share resources, ask questions, get the latest news and PD opportunities!

Join our GEG NorCal Facebook Group  to share resources, ask questions, get the latest news and PD opportunities!

Meet Our GEG NorCal Leaders

Danesa Menge

Jessica Stuivenberg


Interested in presenting or in a Leadership role in GEG NorCal? 

Join our Leadership meetings to help with planning. We would love to have you!