Seminary Support

Seminary Support

Cornerstone Theological Seminary (CTS) exists to educate and equip persons to effectively lead Christ’s Church and a variety of other Christian ministries.  Fulfilling this mission necessitates that we lead our students to be good stewards of God’s Word.  The Word of God grounds our ministry theology and practices.  Holy Scripture orients us, shapes us, molds us, directs us, and conforms us more greatly into the image of our Lord Christ so that we might purposefully lead others to know, love and worship Christ.  This is the shared vision and commitment of all who are a part of the ministry of CTS.

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Downloadable / Hyperlinked Resources  

Cornerstone Theological Seminary (CTS) has crafted a specific guide for essays writing. Please click the link above to view specifics on the required formatting, style and mechanics for CTS essays.

As a seminary student, the majority of your academic writing will use the Turabian writing style, which is an offshoot of the Chicago writing style. The Turabian writing style teaches you how to write, cite, style and format biblical literature and Scripture in a cohesive and respectful format for paper presentation. Cornerstone Theological Seminary's Miller Library has a webpage (hyperlinked above) that includes all of the guides and examples you will need to develop mastery of Turabian writing style.

Your academic success as a seminary student is not only dependent on your knowledge of theological truths and principles, but how you approach, structure and manage your learning. Below you will find hyperlinked resources for the top five areas you must effectively management to foster academic success in your seminary coursework. 

🕤   Seminary Time Management 

📖   Seminary Reading Strategies 

👨‍💻   Seminary Writing Strategies 

📚 Seminary Studying Strategies 

✍️  Seminary Test-Taking Strategies 

While today's society in the United States read an English-translated Bible of varying translations (New International Version, King James, etc.), Moses was the first human to record God's Word and it was written in Hebrew. Seminary students are tasked with learning Hebrew grammar, syntax and language structure because almost the entirety of the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, thus the ability to read and understand the Old Testament in its original written language allows you to use proper exegesis in interpretation of scripture. While your seminary professors will provide you with many resources to grasp this langauge, taking initiative and using supplemental materials such as this Simplified Hebrew Language Guide can help propel you to expedite mastery of your Hebrew course learning outcomes. !יש לך את זה (You've got this!)

Το να μαθαίνεις ελληνικά μπορεί να είναι διασκεδαστικό! (Learning Greek can be fun!) All seminary students are tasked with acquiring an intermediate level of Greek langauge proficiencies because it is the New Testament's original written language. Similarly to Hebrew, you will need to learn the Greek language to study the New Testament in the language it was originally scribed in. Cornerstone Theological Seminary offers many resources to learn Greek, such as applicable class materials and a Peer Coach (a fellow seminary student who can assist you with learning the language), but independent and proactive studying of Greek language resources, such as the above hyperlinked Simplified Greek Language Guide, will allow you to engage with and learn the Greek language in no time!

Learning and understanding a new language requires you to constantly and consistantly engage with the language in various formats. Daily Dose of Hebrew and Daily Dose of Greek (accessible on the web or as an app) allows you to subscribe for daily emails to learn new Greek and Hebrew information via videos and overviews. As you read and interpret Biblical text in Hebrew and Greek, you will want to know and understand the exegesis interpretation so you can avoid prescribing your readings any eisegesis meanings. 

Most seminary students are used to diving deep into scriptural meanings  to understand the theological and biblical truths of our world. Sometimes though, a refresher of the basics is helpful. Allow this simplified Bible At-A-Glance resource to guide you into further readings that will encourage, inspire and evoke clarity and understandings of the Lord's Scripture.

*If you have utilized some of these seminary academic success resources and still find that you are struggling academically, please click the button below to email the Center for Academic Success for further support.