Motivation & Attitude

Motivation & Attitude

It matters not how skilled or intelligent a student is if they lack the motivation to do anything. Motivation, along with time management, are the two biggest factors why college students do not excel and flourish in their coursework. While excruciating circumstances indeed occur in one's life, students often make the conscious choice not to pay attention in class, skip courses, not study, and do the bare minium hoping for a maxium reward. A college student's attitude also dictates academic success--for the better or worse. If you are in need of a motivation boost, the below resources should give you all the help you need.

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had." - Romans 15:5

Downloadable Resources

Having proactive motivation is the key to success in college. With the right level of motivation, students are able to overcome obstacles, triumph over challenges, and persist in the face of adversity. Take a look at this resource to develop and hold motivation throughout your college years.

Your attititude is not only what creates your perception (the personality and characteristics others view you as) but it influences your decision making. This resource explains what a successful attitude for a college student looks like, and how to develop one to achieve academic success.

Fact: No matter your intent, habits dictate much of our thoughts and behavors. As a young adult still in your developmental years, you want to break old, bad habits and create new, good habits. This resource explains the science behind that process so you can begin developing good habits and destroying old one.

"You can do anything you set your mind to." This phrase is true and is usually used by college students with a certain mindset. Check out the differences between a Fixed and Growth Mindset, and decide which you would rather have.

There are two different types of motivations: one that come from within ourselves and one that drives us due to outside forces. Click the above link to learn about these two, and learn which of the two helps to cultivate academic success.

Online Learning Tips

← If you're an Online Learner, check out these tips on Self-Regulation, which aims to positively impact your attitude and behaviors for remote learning.

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