Youngseo Kim

Ph.D. Candidate

Transportation Engineering

Cornell University

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Youngseo Kim is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate at Cornell University, specializing in Transportation Engineering under the guidance of Samitha Samaranayake. Youngseo Kim's research is rooted in discrete optimization, discrete choice modeling, and reinforcement learning, with a keen interest in Mobility-on-Demand services and Mobility-as-a-Service systems. Recent endeavors include developing heuristics for large-scale vehicle routing with time constraints and crafting passenger-vehicle matching algorithms that take into account travelers' behaviors and future value. Additionally, Youngseo Kim is delving into the analytical integration of discrete choice modeling in optimization across diverse applications. Before joining Cornell, Youngseo Kim pursued an M.S. at Seoul National University (SNU), mentored by Dong-Kyu Kim, and specialized in discrete choice analysis and machine learning. Youngseo Kim holds a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from SNU, conferred in 2018.

Lastest News

6/24/2024 –7/5/2024 – I visited Francisco Pereira's group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) supported by INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society. 

March-June 2024 l was at MIT as a visiting student hosted by Cathy Wu. I am working on Learning guided vehicle dispatching algorithm.

10/19/2023 – I participated Rising Stars Workshop at MIT!


(* indicates equal contribution)





Invited Talks

Talk at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) management (hosted by Francisco Pereira), June 27, 2024.

