Expanding YOUR Horizons

Virtual Plant Workshop

Hello and welcome to our virtual EYH workshop! Watch this intro video to see what our workshop will cover, and meet the workshop leaders. Then move on to the videos below!

In this video we'll show you some of the plants in the Cornell Conservatory. Then we'll focus in on some more familiar plants, and let you in on some of their secrets!

Have you ever wondered what the insides of flowers look like? As we said in the intro - flowers actually have organs, too. Do the organs of all flowers look the same? Find out here!

Ever wonder what you internal plant is? Take this quiz and find out!

Ok - we know a lot of cool things about plants now, but how did people find these out? This video will show you how plant scientists (botanists) collect plants to study in their labs. These are the kinds of things that botanists do everyday.

Ynes Mexia was a Fearless Female Botanist (FFB). Over 100 years ago, she was going on solo expeditions to the Amazon, collecting hundreds of thousands of plants, and founding herbaria.

Barbara McClintock was another FFB. Although she studied plants in a way that was very different from Ynes Mexia, her discoveries were equally important. She even won the Nobel Prize for them!

Botanists have been pressing and collecting plants for hundreds of years - now you can, too! This video will show you how to make beautiful plant pressings using glue, scissors, and parchment paper. The only other thing you need to is a cool plant!

We'll also show you some of the plant pressings we have made for inspiration!

Finished with the Virtual Plant Workshop and want to learn more about Botany? Check out these cool resources for lessons on morphology, herbariums, and more!