Francesco Burroni
Francesco Burroni
francesco.burroni [AT]
Hi and welcome to my website!
My name is Francesco Burroni. I am a Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoctoral Scientific Staff) at the Institute of Phonetics at Speech Processing (IPS) at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. I work with the Spoken Language Processing Group led by Prof. James Kirby.
I am also affiliated with the Department of Linguistics and the Center of Excellence in Southeast Asian Linguistics at Chulalongkorn University.
I graduated with a Ph.D. in Linguistics and a Cognitive Science Minor from Cornell University in May 2023. My advisor was Sam Tilsen. I have also been affiliated with the MARCS CILS Nokhook Babylab at Thammasat University.
- Jan. 2025: New open-access paper with Sam Tilsen out in Journal of Phonetics, "Thai speakers time lexical tones to supralaryngeal articulatory events".
- Jan. 2025: New open-access paper with Shigeto Kawahara and Jason Shaw out in JASA Express Letters, "Articulatory correlates of consonantal length contrasts: The case of Japanese mimetic geminates". Our paper is editor's pick (EP).
- Nov. 2024: Invited talk, Lancaster University Phonetics Lab, The articulatory basis of a typological rarity: pre-geminate vowel lengthening in Japanese.
- May 2024: Invited talk at Phonology and Phonetics Group, University of Potsdam, Germany.
- Apr. 2024: Invited talk at Phonlab, Harvard University, USA. Title of the talk: "Rhythmic constraints on "stress timing" in Thai".
- Mar. 2024: Invited talk at SRPP, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris, France. Title of the talk: "Spatiotemporal features of Geminate and Singleton consonants – In Italian and (a little bit) beyond!"
- Jan. 2024: Invited talk at Prosody & Speech Dynamics Lab, Northwestern University, USA. Title of the talk: "How are lexical tones timed in speech production?"