The highest aspirations for all

Staff Portal

Ambitious; Inclusive; Resilient

Whole school priorities, 2023-24 

1) To ensure high quality teaching in all classes (as per the Knollmead teaching and learning overview).

2) To further develop the culture of intrigue around words, their origins and application, using robust vocabulary instruction across the curriculum to take every opportunity to develop all children’s vocabulary.  (Whole class guided reading/etymology/Latin in KS2; 'Word Aware resources'; September 2019 INSET - Bringing words to life)

3) To further develop the wider curriculum to ensure clear progression of knowledge and skills in all subjects.

4) To strive for all children to become fluent and effective readers and enjoy reading for pleasure and as a door to further learning. ('How to improve reading fluency')

5) To further embed teaching for mastery approaches in maths across the school and share best practice.

6) To further embed a culture of openness, reflection and sharing of best practice through use and discussion of self video across the staff.

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