Florida Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professorate

at Bethune Cookman University


The Florida Alliance for Graduate Education in the Professoriate (FL-AGEP) is a collaborative research model among the University of South Florida, an urban public research university; Florida International University, an urban Hispanic-serving research university (HSI); and Bethune Cookman University, Florida A&M University, and Florida Memorial University, three Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

The project’s overall goal is to develop, implement, study, evaluate, disseminate, and sustain a Florida alliance centered on increasing the number and successful outcomes of minority women doctoral students, post-doctoral scholars, and early-career faculty in the state of Florida. Objectives of the FL-AGEP include:

  • Objective 1: develop an alliance model that supports stage-appropriate transitions and advancement of minority women in STEM as faculty.

  • Objective 2: implement a programmatic model that includes: annual research bootcamps, online mentoring, annual research symposia, and longitudinal faculty development opportunities across alliance institutions.

  • Objective 3: study and refine the model and its key design components for doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars, and early-career faculty.

FL-AGEP participants are advanced doctoral, post-doctoral, and early-career minority women faculty, along with senior scholars (tenured faculty) who will learn new strategies for advising and mentoring these individuals, constituting an overall impact of 375 STEM-engaged individuals.


Dr. Helena Mariella - Walrond, PI. Email: Walrondh@cookman.edu

Dr. Herbert Thompson, Co PI. Email: thompsoh@cookman.edu

Dr. Danyell Wilson-Howard, Program Coordinator. Email: wilsonda@cookman.edu

Funded By the National Science Foundation: Award Abstract #1916094

What we've done

Women Play a Major Role In Changing the World through STEM