How much is a PO Box monthly?

PO Box monthly cost is $4.83, depending on your location.

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a small, locked box that is located inside a post office. You can rent one for a monthly fee and have your mail delivered there instead of to your home address. This can be useful if you do not have a mailbox at your residence or if you are concerned about mail theft.

How much is a PO Box monthly cost?

The cost of a PO box will depend on a few things. The factors that decide the cost of PO boxes include the size you need and your location. On top of that, there can be additional fees, and the amount of time you want the box for will also change the price you pay. Three factors determine the cost of renting a P.O. box:

PO Box monthly cost

Additional fees

The USPS charges a $3 deposit for the first two keys, and a $6 fee for additional duplicate keys. The post office also has lock replacement and late payment fees of $20.

Location Plays a Role in PO Box Costs