Special education and support team

SPEcial education coordinator

Milagros Cerpas

Milagros is the Special Education Coordinator at Connect! She enjoys being able to get to know her students and their families and having the opportunity to build unique relationships with each of them as we learn from, about, and with each other.

In her free time she enjoys spending time with family, camping, going on walks, and (sometimes) cooking.

School psychologist

Manisha Chulani

Manisha is the School Psychologist at Connect!

in-house Substitute teacher

Meda Okelo

Mr. O has been at Connect since 2019, first as a traveling substitute teacher but now as an in house substitute teacher.

Mr. O was born in Nairobi Kenya and attended Catholic elementary and secondary schools and attended public high school before enrolling at Makerere University in Uganda. He graduated with a BA in French and Political Science from University of Nairobi, Kenya and with his desire to join the diplomatic corps dashed, and there being a national desperate need for French teachers, he was trained in language teaching and deployed to a Middle-High boarding school.

He quit teaching to embark on a career in journalism. After attending the University of Nairobi Journalism school, he was a media worker for a few years for a local newspaper as well as the  Kenya News Agency.

He  attended Stanford University, graduating with a Master of Arts degree in Applied Mass Communication Research. Following his graduation, he worked as the Cultural Affairs and Human Services Coordinator for the City of East Palo Alto and subsequently as the Director of the Community Services Department.  While at the city, he obtained a Masters in Public Administration from California State University Hayward/East bay.

He loves music and dance and has been a professional dj for a significant part of his life. He also loves photography and in the last few years has become passionate about golf. Most of all however, he loves teaching what he knows, to others, be it golf, photography, or any other interesting subject. 

Learning and Teaching, he is convinced, is about the creation of indelibly pleasant memories.